Chapter 53: Relief

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  We were in the hospital for 3 day running a lot of tests. I never left his side. Neither did Sam or Kian. Today he had visual signs of chicken pox.
"Looks like it was just chicken pox. I'll get him a prescription and some discharge papers." Doctor Michael said.
"Thank you so much."
"He's gonna be fine Ms. Carson."
"Thank you, again."
"Absolutely." I walked into his room. Sam was asleep and Kian was telling Levi about a story. He saw me and stood up. We walked away from his bed.
"Just chicken pox." I said. He smiled.
"We can go home."
"Yeah, nurse is bringing discharge papers."
"Great." I walked to Levi. He held his arms out for me. I laid in bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around me.
"Want too home?"
"Yes!" He yelled.
"Ok." I'm so happy it's not leukemia. He's so little. He's still my baby. The nurse handed main the papers and he started filling them out. The nurse took Levi off the machines.
"If hey swell up again you come right back." She says.
"Thank you." She smiled and left. I helped Levi out of his robe. Sam handed me his clothes. Kian left the room. Sam starred at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You were here in a heartbeat." He said.
"He's my baby I'm going to be there for him."
"Because you have the most important job in the world." I kissed Levi's forehead.
"I know I do. I wouldn't change it for anything." I put Levi's shoes on. He jumped off the bed and ran to Sam.
"How's Ro?"
"She's pushing the morning sickness." He smiled.
"She's good." I hope it's a girl. I pulled my shirt down and folded the robe.
"Done." Kian walked in.
"Yay. Let go home." Sam said. I walked with Kian.

We got home and Levi ran to Connor and hugged him.
"He's ok?" Connor asked.
"He's just had mild chicken pox." Connor let him go.
"I'm so happy. Guys! Levi's home!" Connor yelled. Ricky and Trevor ran out of their room.
"I know you want to hug him but he's got chicken pox." I say. He tried to take his shirt off.
"Here." Kian opened his prescription. I spread the ointment on his body.
"Ouch." Levi said.
"This will make it feel better."
"Ouch!" He yelled again. It really hurt when your child hurts. You get frustrated.
"Let's just give him Benadryl and a bath."
"Ok." Kian took his hand and they walked upstairs.
"No leukemia?" Trevor asked.
"Nope." He smiled.
"I'm so glad." Ricky said. I poured out the right dosage for Levi into a little cup.
"Can you guys Clorox wipe everything down?"
"Yeah." Connor said.
"Thanks."  I walked upstairs. Kian sang a song while he ran the bath.
"Take this bud." He drank the medicine.
"Ew!" He said. I have him water. I looked at the lymphs.
"They went down." I said.
"Good." Kian took his shirt off. Levi was jumping up and down. We put him in the bath and washed him with the natural soap.
"Do you feel better?" Kian asked.
"Yes." He said. We took him out and got him dressed.
"He'll be out in a good 20 minutes." I say.
"Watch a movie?" Kian asked.
"Sure." We changed into our pajamas.
"Mama." Levi signed for milk.
"Let's go watch a movie." I picked him up.
"Mama." He said. We walked downstairs. It was like 8 ish. I sat against the couch. Levi climbed on me. He saw my tummy sticking out just the slightest bit. He was so confused. He kissed my tummy.
"Awe!" I said. Kian took a picture.
"We want to be a big brother?" I asked. He laughed.
"Yes." He said.
"You better watch over her and protect her. Promise me?" Kian asked. He smirked.
"Yes." He said.
"What do you want to watch?" Kian asked.
"No." I mouthed.
"What about a classic? Like lion king?"
"Kink." He said. He laughed so hard.
"King." Kian corrected him.
"Shush." I out hand over him mouth.
"Kink!" He yelled.
"See what you did?" He laughed.
"Kink." Kian said.
"Stop!" I hit his arm.
"Alright we can watch kink." He put the sick in.
"Kink kink." Levi sat in my lap. We moved to the couch. Kian wrapped and arm around me and I fed Levi as we watched 'kink'. In a matter of minutes the medicine had knocked him out.
"Yeah, bedtime." I say. I took Levi to his room and laid him down. I walked downstairs and Kian had opened a bottle of wine.
"Mommy need wine."
"Step dad needs wine." We laughed and he poured 2 glasses.
"Dad needs wine." Sam said as he came out of the laundry room.
"Alright." Kian poured him a glass.
"I take it to go. You guys can have your little movie night."
"No Sam. Your always gone we can do something together." Kian says.
"Yeah it'll be fun." I say.
"You sure? I didn't ruin your little date?"
"No." I say. He smiled.
"Ok." We went old school.
"Let's break out the monopoly." Sam says.
"Oh yeah!" We high fived. Kian brought it out if preservation. He set it on the table and blew away the dust. I might be exaggerating. It's still hip right?
"Tell Sam about the lion kink." I said.
"The what?" Sam asked.
"I asked Levi if he wanted to watch the lion king and he said kink. We laughed so hard."
"He's really good at making us laugh." Sam says.
"He sure is." I sealed out the money. We played that game all night.

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