Chapter 5

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The school week had started and I felt extremely on edge. I wanted to rant to Dani about how terrible Clyde was, but I couldn't because that would mean telling her why he was in my house. I wasn't a great liar and if I started to rant, I wouldn't be done until I told her everything.

My leg kept bouncing up and down in anxiety and everytime I looked at Clyde, which I didn't want to but it was like everytime I looked up his eyes were right there, he gave me a menacing glance back.

"Okay girly, what has got you in a daze?" Dani said at lunch, while my fork picked at my salad.

"Nothing, just not feeling too hot." I answered truthfully and continued to look down.

"What's-" Dani started but got cut off.

"Hey Alexa!" Amanda came over with a bright smile. She was my savior from having to answer to Dani who was even more stubborn than myself.

"Hi Amanda." My response wasn't as cheery.

"So I'm having a party Friday and I was wondering if you two would like to come?" She looked over at Dani including her in the plans. I wasn't one to get invited to parties, but it just so happened that one time I saw her crying in a bathroom alone when her boyfriend broke up with her. She was all alone and I felt the need to help her. A week later she had come to me saying how much I helped her (which made me feel awesome) and that she was thankful for meeting me.

Ever since then we were friends, not close, but we had went to the mall a few times with some of her friends and Dani. Even though I always declined, she invited me to all her parties. She was a nice person with the same name as my mom.

Since I was feeling terrible, I was even more sure of how much I didn't want to party. "Um, actually, thanks but-"

"Yes! We will go, thanks." Dani cut me off, and Amanda left soon after.

"What the hell!" I said to Dani when I saw Amanda approach her table.

"Well you look like you have a lot on your mind, and we never party." Dani stated in her confident tone.

"Well I won't be drinking." I was upset at her, but I knew she wouldn't have me not going. Not that I couldn't fight her off, it would just take energy that I didn't have. And I didn't drink. I drank alcohol once and thought I would die the next day. No, not until I was at least 30 would I try again.

"Fine, drive me home then! Unless I decide to stay." She laughed and I scrunched my nose. She wasn't one to sleep around, but she had before. Dani could be more of a player than guys sometimes. I had no doubt that if she went out with Clyde, no matter what he did, she would come out with a smile on her face, instead of the tears that everyone else had. Even me, who had never even been with him.

I looked up just then to see Clyde laughing with his friends about something. He had dimples when he smiled, and they deepened when he laughed. Even when he smirked those stupid dimples appeared. Only, when he smirked I couldn't notice how they were actually good looking on him. Why couldn't he be happy towards me? Not that I care, he was just so mean to me. And it wasn't like I wanted to see his dimples or whatever!

Just then he looked at me and I realized I was staring. I looked down quickly hoping he didn't catch that. My curls fell in front of my face and I  hoped that was enough to hide the blush on my face.

"Earth to Alex!" Rick sat down next to me today, poking me in the back.

"Oh sorry, I'm out of it today." I looked into his beautiful honey eyes. Those eyes could melt any girls heart, but he chose to keep a low profile and stay single.

"It's alright. Why is your face so red?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up." I playfully smacked him but relooked over at Clyde. He gave me one of his death stares again. This kid had no shame in staring and unlike Rick, his green eyes were so intense it could kill any girl.

The rest of the week was terrible. I kept getting death glares (that might have actually just been his regular face I was beginning to feel) and my teachers decided this week was work your butt off week. It was finally Friday and I still wasn't excited about this party.

After getting ready super early, I had grabbed my phone 7 times considering calling Dani and cancelling.

My mom and dad had left today (there work hours were not consistent) and I was sitting on the couch, watching Adventure Time, with some terribly short blue shorts, and a pink tank top. I had some blue and pink Jordan high tops to match. I like how the outfit looked with my long legs, but not when I was going to be surrounded by drunk people.

I sighed and picked up my phone again, I gave up on considering calling Dani to cancel, I just wanted to know the time. It was 8:40, which meant it was time to go. I grabbed my purse and checked the mirror next to the door.

My hair fell down my back in its wispy curls and my mocha color skin looked very warm and beachy in the lighting of my house. I smiled, happy with how I looked, having to find some joy in the situation.

Walking into the house was like walking into a sauna. There was an AC on, but with all the bodies it was warm and reeked of alcohol. I looked over at Dani who was smiling in her cleavage revealing tank and a skirt that was shorter than my shorts (if that was even possible). She was definitely my twin, being that she was the exact opposite of me. I frowned back and she smacked my arm.

I was glad I wore minimal makeup, this heat would melt off anything. I grabbed some food and watched some people dance. I listened to the blaring music and just tried to smile like I was enjoying being on the couch. Some slightly drunken girls tried to get me to dance, but I declined and luckily they left without a fight.

I checked my phone to see it was 10:15. "UGH." This hour felt like a day and I was sweating even without moving. Everyone else seemed fine and I had lost Dani 30 minutes ago. I went to find some isolation out back, but of course, there was a pool, and a lot more people. I went upstairs as if I owned the place and found a room uninhabitted. It had an AC all to itself, and judging by the posters and purple color, I assumed it belonged to Amanda.

I closed the door and sat on the bed to read a book that I thankfully brought. I was reading when all of a sudden the door was thrown open revealing two of Clyde's friends, correction his worst friends; James Kenneth Smith and William Benjamin Carter. They were both tall, pale and muscley, only difference being their hair color. James had short dirty blonde hair, while Will had spiked black hair.

They reeked of alcohol and their eyes looked a bit crazed. My heart beat sped up, because although these people were notibly attractive, they were even bigger jerks than Clyde, and they had quickly become ugly in my eyes.

They looked at me and then to each other smirking wickedly. "It looks like we found our willing bunny rabbit." Will laughed and James joined him. They were beyond drunk and I wasn't sure what he meant by what he said.

"And what exactly is it that I'm willing to do?" I said darkly. I felt scared, but there would be no way I could possibly leave. James closed the door, but didn't lock it. Then they approached me and that's when I realized what was in their eyes. Raw sexual hunger.

I screamed, threw my book at them and crawled to the other side of the bed trying to get away. One of them grabbed my ankle and pulled me back.

"Hey hey hey. Calm the f#ck down before I get mad." James whispered in my ear and rubbed his hand down my arm. I immediately started crying.

They turned me to face them and Will started lifting my shirt while James held my wrists up above my head. I tried to move out of his grip, but these two played football and being drunk helped to give them an iron grip. I screamed again and James hit my mouth. I tasted the blood from where my teeth sliced my lip and I just cried harder.

"Stay quiet before I have to hurt you b!tch." James said, and Will just laughed. They managed to pull my shirt off and I knew this was it. I would get raped and lose my virginity to these two.

A loud bang had us all turning our heads, and there stood Clyde, who had threw open the door himself. All the excitement of having my hero come through the door left when I realized I would now be raped by three people. I just cried harder.

When I opened my eyes next, I saw Clyde punch both Will and James. They were too drunk to fight back straight and he sent them out not too long after. He said something to them that I didn't catch and then he came over to me.

"You okay?" He asked sitting beside me. I cried harder and wrapped my arms around his waist not caring how I didn't have a shirt on. He had just saved me. I felt calm being wrapped around him although he didn't hug me back. I was just glad that he allowed me to stay there until I calmed down.

"Can you take me home?" I mumbled into his shirt, and moved back to look at him. Everything was blurry through the tears, but I could tell he hadn't been drinking.

"I didn't bring my car." He said giving me a semi sad look and wiped my eyes.

"I brought mine." I hicupped and got up. I pulled on my shirt and wiped my face with my hands.

"Alright." He got up and grabbed my wrist that was actually sore from when they grabbed me, and swiftly led me down the stairs and through the door. I was thankful for my thick hair being able to cover my face.

I got to my car and handed him my keys. Then I made note to get Amanda to return my book that was still in her room.

The drive to my house was spent in silence, most of the noise coming from me sniffling uncontrolably. When we finally got to my house, he left the car and walked up to my house ahead of me and opened the door.

"Here." He handed me the keys and turned on the light.

"Thank you." I said for the first time and hugged him again. He patted my head and I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Night." I said and he walked away waving an arm behind him while I walked inside to get some much needed sleep.

My mom had come back the next day, inviting me over to Brenda's. I said yes more excitedly now since Clyde and I were on good terms.

After the greeting Brenda sent me out back saying that Clyde was there. When I went out there Clyde had just closed a sketchbook.

"Hi." I said and sat down next to him on the steps of his patio.

"Hey." He replied simply.

"I, um, I just wanted to thank you properly for what you did for me." I said awkwardly. He was not one for many words and that always made me feel weird.

"Yeah, it's cool." He looked me in the eyes. I wanted to look away, but he showed no signs of wavering so I kept my stare back. I had a small pride problem at times.

"So, are we friends?" I asked, still not letting him win, but it wasn't easy.

"Friends," He paused and I had to look away, "Is that all you want?" I looked back up to see him smirking.

"You're so full of yourself. Can't you just be decent for once?" I blushed despite myself. What was wrong with this kid. I didn't want to date him, I was just trying to be friendly. I guess he would remain a manwhore despite what happened.

"But your blushing. And you keep on talking to me no matter what I say." He was full on smiling right now and I wanted to smack those dimples off his face.

"I'm sor-ry for trying to be nice. And you are always staring at me in school." I put emphasis on 'sorry' and got up. He was really too much.

"I only look at you because you're always staring at me with drool coming down your mouth. You get too upset too easily, that's your issue." He continued, watching me with an amused expression on his face.

"You're one to talk! I can call you a whore or a jerk and you start pms-ing. Which I don't understand since it's true!" I said back angrily, because he was spot on with the upset thing. However once again, I forgot who I was talking to, and he proved my statement right.

He stood up with a frown replacing his smile and shot daggers into my soul with his eyes, "How about you go home crying once again b!tch, and I'll see you in a little when you're crawling all over me again."

"I hate you." My voice came out as a whisper when my eyes watered at how cruel he could be. I was too forgiving.

"I love you too." He smiled and I did what he said and went home crying for the second time. Except this time, I wouldn't be coming back to try and be his friend. I promised myself not to forgive him this time.

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