Chapter 1

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WARNING: It is unedited. I don't have time to update and edit the story rn. Hope u can just go with it...

Lina's P.O.V

"Lina. We're gonna have soooo much fun tonight." Hanna said smiling and I nodded "Oh yeah." I said and we walked out of the school. Hi everyone. I'm Lina and I'm 17. Me and my bestie tonight are gonna to a party since we were invited and who wouldn't want to go to a party like come on. I walked inside my house and went down on my knee to pet my beautiful dog whos name is Burnie and said Hi to my big bro Liam. I walked upstairs and got inside my room and changed my clothes. After that I took my bag and finished all the homework I had to do for tomorrow "Wait. Oh my god. Is Lina? My sister? Actually doing homework? Whaaaaat?" Liam said getting into my room shocked while I started laughing "Mehh, don't get used to it tho." I said and he messed up my hair. "Are u gonna come to that party tonight?" He asked and I nodded putting my books in my bag again "Yup." I said popping the P at the end. "Ok, baby sis. We gonna have a great night tonight." He said smiling and I smiled back "Totally bro." I said and he walked out of the door. After watching a movie on tv on my room I started packing my stuff for the party to go to Hanna's house first and get ready. I got my outfit in my bag and a few other things before I made my way out of the room and walked downstairs. "Bye mom. "Bye dad" i said as I hugged them really really tight and they smiled "Have fun sweetie." My parents said and turned to the tv again. I went on my knee again to pet Burnie "Buddy. I'm gonna miss uuu." I said and he licked my face as I giggled. I got up and walked out to my car. I got in and started driving to my best friend's house. I danced in the car to some musics that came on till I arrived at her house. I parked the car and got out of it and took my bag. I locked the car and went inside Hanna's house "I'm home fam." I said to her family and they waved at me. Me and Hanna have this kind of friendship that we make ourselves home at each other's house and her family is like my second family. I love them all. I walked up the stairs and walked down the hallway to Hanna's room. "Hi Harry." I said as I passed his room and he smiled "Hi Lina." He said and I smiled back at him and got into Hanna's room. Harry is Hanna's big brother. "Sup hoe." I said to Hanna and jumped on her bed next to her "Sup whore." She said back and turned off her phone. That's basically our friendship. This is how we call each other everyday. And our families are used to us being crazy like this. "Lets get ready." I said and she nodded. "Are u gonna curl my hair or should I curl urs first?" She asked and I shook my head "I'll curl ur hair." I said and started curling her hair. "Put on Justin Bieber's song Sorry." I said to Hanna and she put it on. "Why are u so obssesed with this song?" She asked and I shrugged "I dont know maybe because I dance a lot with this song." I said and she nodded. "Oki and I'm done" i said after a couple of minutes and we changed places. Hanna was curling my hair and I was sometimes dancing to songs that came up. "What are u gonna wear tonight?" Hanna asked looking at me through her mirror "I'm gonna wear some jeans and that shirt I told u that I bought and my usual black ankle boots. What about u?" I asked looking at her "I was thinking the same, jeans, shirt and boots." Hanna said and I nodded. Soon she finished and we did each others make up before putting our outfits on. "How do I look?" We both asked at the same time and then giggled "U guys look great." Harry said and I smiled "Thanks bro." I said and he smiled "No problem little sisters. Gonna go and pick up Liam now. See ya at the party." He said and walked out. Yeah Harry and Liam are best friends just like me and Hanna. Always together. Anyways we got our phones and some jackets if it became cold and walked out and got in my car. I started driving and by now it was 9pm so it was very dark outside. We got out of the car and the music could be heard for like a few blocks away. I made my way inside the house and bumped into Calvin. "Hey girls thanks for coming." He said hugging both of us and we hugged his girlfriend too. "The party is sick. How many people are here?" I asked and he shrugged "I have no idea but please enjoy ur selves." He said and went to the dance floor with his girlfriend. Tonight I didn't want to get drink. I have no idea why. I took my coke and walked outside to get some fresh air. I started walking to the cars and after staying there for a couple of minutes I heard someone screaming. I quickly hid behind a big tree next to Calvin's neighbours and looked to where the screaming was coming from. A guy was screaming and there were 4 others around him. One of them moved away and now I saw was really was going on. What happened next was unbelievable. One of the guys eyes became red and fangs came into view. His sharp teeth went straight to the guy's neck making him scream loud. I let out a scream too and their attention turned to me. Their eyes became red and I started running back to the house but bumped into someone. I looked up to him to see it was one of those guys and he was smirking at me "Going somewhere baby girl?"

End of chapter 1.


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