Chapter 2

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Lina's P.O.V

My breath caught into my throat as I saw him infront of me. His red eyes and his fangs out. I started shaking from fear while he only smirked. I looked behind him for help but everyone was too drunk to notice. He got closer to me and I tried pushing him back with all the force I had but he was way to strong to even move from the place he was. This time I kicked him in the balls and started running back to the house only to be grabbed my arm and yanked back at someone's body. "U're pissing me off baby girl, and I don't like it." He whispered in my ear and my jaw clenched "I don't care now let me go." I said trying to get my arm out of his grip but didn't make it. He turned me around so now I was facing him. I still tried getting out of his grip while also trying to push him away with my other arm. He grabbed both my hands and I looked up at him and his angry red eyes glared at me. While mine started tearing up. "Please let me go!" I whispered giving up. I had no energy to fight anymore, let alone, fight against him. "I can't do it baby." He whispered back and one of his friends looked at me deep in the eyes before I felt blackness take over me.

I woke up later in a bed, covered with a blanket. I thought that it was a dream but it really wasn't. The room was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. I got up from the bed touching around things and finding the door of the room or just looking for a way out of this room or place or whatever. I found the door and turned the doorknob to see it was locked. I started banging on the door and screaming for help. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!" I screamed and I heard the door being unlocked and the guy from earlier came in. He turned the lights on and I backed away from him as he took steps forward. Soon my back met the wall and he put his hand close to my head on the wall. "Listen here baby girl. There are gonna be some rules that u should follow. talking back to me and 2.dont try to run away because u'll get punished." He said glaring at me. "It would have been better if I was dead then here." I said glaring back at him and he raised a brow while I still kept my ground. "What did I just say earlier?" He asked raising his brow again and I rolled my eyes "Don't remember and don't care." I said and got under his arm and ran out of the door. I ran down the stairs and just as I was about to reach the door that was open as the guys from earlier came in I was grabbed by my arm and yanked again back to that guy's body. My tears starting going down my face as I looked at the guys for help but all they did was look away and mind their own bussiness. "What should I do with u?" He said glaring at me and I turned to him. "Kill me!" I said and he stopped glaring at me and his face showed an unreadable expresion "Kill me! I'd rather be dead than here with all of u." I said kicking him with my fists on his chest but all he did was close his eyes to stop himself from exploding. "JUST KILL ME. KILL ME PLEASE!" I yelled at him and he grabbed my hands and took a deep breath. "Lets take u to ur room." He said and I shook my head. "Home. I wanna go home please. Either let me go or kill me." I said crying and he got annoyed so he picked me up and carried me back to the room I was in. He placed me into the bed and I turned my back on him. This was suppossed to be a night I forget about stuff and get into my own world of music but this night turned to be the worst night of my life. I heard him turn on the lamp next to the bed and turn off the other one as he got out of the room and closed the door. Soon I was drowning in my thoughts. What is my family gonna do? Are they gonna look out for me? Did someone from the party see them as they took me? Was I ever gonna escape here? I thought about everything as I cried and cried my eyes out. My back was against the wall now as I was hugging my feet close to my chest. I noticed there was a clock beside the lamp next to my bed and it was 6 am the sun was already rising outside and I could see it from the windows. Wait windows. I was about to get up and search for a way out when the door was being unlocked so I went back to my position that I was 2 mins ago. The door opened and the guy came in with a tray full of food on his hand. He put it on the bed and sat down. "I brought u some food so eat." He said and I glared at him "I don't want to eat and I don't want anything from u." I said and he took a deep breath. "U'll have to get used to all of this because u are not gonna escape from here baby girl so yeah.." He said and got up making his way to the door. "By the way I'm Grayson. Grayson Dolan."

End of chapter 2.


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