Chapter 67

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Lina's P.O.V

"So is it hard to move around and stuff? I really need you to tell me stuff about pregnancy because I don't know a thing. And Natalie is never around these days." Hanna said as we were cleaning the dishes. "What do you mean she's never around? She's your sister." I said and she nodded. "She is but she doesn't wanna hang out with us I guess." She said and I sighed.

"Give her time, I'm sure she will get used to having a twin sister by her side now." I said and she nodded with a smile, "I hope so!" She said as we were almost done with the dishes. "As for the pregnancy I'll teach you a few things and what you should eat or not." I said and after finishing the dishes she put out her phone and started writing things I said she should eat and shouldn't also a few other things she needed to know about pregnancy.

"Ladies, we're gonna watch a movie, wanna join?" Ethan said and I looked at Hanna who nodded. In a blink Ethan was by Hanna's side and picked her up bridal style. "Ethan I can walk." She whined and he looked at her. "I know you can I just don't want you to be tired." He said and started to make his way out. "Is this how the whole pregnancy is gonna be like?" I heard Hanna ask and Ethan replying with a yes as their voices faded away.

I decided to put on some popcorn and while they were getting done in the microwave I decided to take some drinks for them. "What do you guys wanna drink?!" I yelled from the kitchen, i'm sure they heard me. "Coke!" Hanna yelled back, "Apple Juice!" Ethan yelled back after Hanna, "Coke!" Grayson yelled back and I nodded to myself. I grabbed some drinks on my hands and walked to the living room. I handed each one their drinks and walked back to the kitchen just in time as the popcorn was done.

I grabbed the popcorn and made my way in the living room and sat down in the middle of Grayson and Hanna, Grayson on my left and Hanna on my right, while Ethan was sitting next to her. We have a pretty big house so the couch is also huge to fit us all.

"So what are we watching?" I asked as I grabbed one popcorn and started chewing it. "Uhmm, we were planning on watching Meet the Blacks, it is just like the purge but instead of only horror it's comedy too." Grayson said and I sighed in relief. "Thank god, i really hope there are not any jump scares. That would be bad for Hanna too." I said and she turned to me with a raised brow. "Don't worry you'll be fine baby." Ethan said wrapping an arm around her and I smiled.

-After the movie-

"Okay, that wasn't that scary, only the jump scares though." Hanna said and I only nodded unable to talk. "I'm still terrified." I said and she started laughing. "Come on I survived it, we survived it. You're okay little girl." Hanna said punching me in the arm playfully. "Yeah, she's right. You're fine, and you got me." Grayson said and placed a kiss on my forehead. "You will always have me." He said again and I couldn't help but smile.

All of a sudden both baby monitor went on as Mason started crying. I sighed and ran upstairs to see what was happening with my little boy. I opened the door to his room and turned the lights on, only for me to gasp as i saw on who's arms was Mason in. "Guess who's back?"

End of chapter 67.

WARNING: The next chapters contain a lot of drama, beating, blood, deaths, betrayals, killings, kidnappings and much more, if you are up for it continue reading, if not, stop because things will get out of hand in this story.

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