Chapter 92

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Lina's P.O.V

I had just woken up by Mason who kept poking my eyes as i slept. I brushed my teeth and walked back to the room and grabbed him from the bed. Last night, me, Grayson, Mason and Daisy shared a room together since it has been a long time and i definitely missed my babies.

Me and Mason made our way downstairs to the kitchen so we could make breakfast for everyone. I put Mason down on his baby chair and gave him a bottle of milk. You're probably wondering how we got all this stuff when we are in Amadeo's house, well after my babies came here, Ethan and Stefan went shopping and bought us the chairs, Alex got some toys, and Damon got the bottles and everything else we needed.

I turned on the tv and put an animated movie on so that Mason could watch while i make breakfast. I started making some breakfast and would often turn around and just stare at Mason, how he looks exactly like his dad, mini Grayson. Same fluffy hair, same eyes, that same smile and those amazing eyebrows.

"Lina!" I heard someone whisper behind me and i jumped, before turning around and seeing Ethan at the doorway with this dorky smile on his face. "What?" I whispered back, mocking him.

He took a few steps over to Mason's chair and placed a kiss on his head before walking over to me. "I need your help, it is really important!" He whispered again as i turned to flip the pancake I was making on the other side. "Why are we whispering?" I asked whispering and he smiled. "I don't wanna Hanna to hear this but i want to plan her a party, like a baby party or whatever it was." He said and my eyes widened.

"C-Carefull!" He said and i raised my brow, "what?" I asked looking at him while i narrowed my eyes, "Your eyes are gonna fall off." He said before he started chuckling and i rolled my eyes and slapped his arm. "Idiot." I said before i smiled at his stupid joke.

"Baby shower." He said and i nodded. "How could i forget to do that for her, I literally wanna punch myself in the face so bad." I said and he smiled, "Can I do it?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows, "Do what?" I asked and he smiled, "Punch you!" He said and i rolled my eyes before smacking him in the head, "Ow! That hurt!" He whined rubbing the side of his head, "it was supposed to, idiot!" I said as i finished off making pancakes for everyone.

"Morning!" I heard Grayson say and I looked from the table i was setting up, to him, to see a sleepy Grayson and a sleepy Daisy making their way inside the kitchen. "Morning? Really? Just morning? Why isn't it good morning? Why do you have to be so negative?" Ethan said, getting offensive because Grayson said morning instead of good morning. "What's up with him?" Grayson asked looking at me, while placing Daisy on her baby chair, "Looks like he's having his time of the month." I joked and Ethan grabbed a spoon and threw it at my head. "Hey!" I whined, while Grayson started laughing. "I hate you!" He said and I put my tounge out at him "i hate you too!" I said just as Cameron entered the kitchen. Is this how everyone is gonna make their entrance? One by one?

"What's going on here?" Cameron asked looking from me to Ethan, back and forth. Me and Ethan started telling her what happened and we were both talking at the same time, "Alright, alright damn, forget i even asked." She said and walked over to Daisy and Mason, "Good morning little munchkins." She smiled at them and the both waved at her. I smiled at them before finishing setting up the table.

"Babe, should I go wake the others?" Grayson asked and I nodded, "If you don't mind!" I said and before Grayson could answer Ethan grabbed a pan and this spoon before running upstairs, at first I was confused, but as soon as Hanna walked into the kitchen i heard him hit the pan with the spoon, making a huge loud noise that i'm sure, even woke up the neighbours by now.

All of a sudden it stopped and all i heard his footsteps down the stairs. Not only Ethan's, all the boys' footsteps, including Grayson's who ran after Ethan earlier.

"You asshole!" Damon yelled entering the kitchen while Ethan just hid behind Hanna and laughed. "What are you gonna do Damon?" Ethan challenged while Stefan just shook his head and glared at him, "you gave us a heart attack!" He said and Ethan smirked, "Karma's a bitch huh? I'm taking you back for the last time you woke me up!" Ethan said and i just shook my head at their stupid argument.

"Hanna, sit down babe!" I said mentioning for her to a chair and she walked over to the table. "Thanks babe!" She said and sat down. "Babe? Oh, so now you're calling her babe. Wow. I can't believe you!" Ethan said and I just laughed as i made eye contact with Grayson.

"What's up with you today?" Grayson asked him while chuckling. "Nothing. Okay, nothing. It's just these pregnancy hormones I guess!" He said and i shook my head trying not to laugh. "You don't get the hormones idiot, only Hanna does!" Cameron said as she sat down on the table and started eating her breakfast.

"Me and Hanna together are one person. So that means we're both pregnant!" Ethan said and Damon placed his hand on Ethan's stomach, "what are you doing?" He asked confusedly staring at Damon. "Waiting for the baby to kick." He said looking at Ethan with a smirk before all of us started laughing at them. "Alright, come on now. Let's eat. We got a long day ahead of us!"

End of chapter 92.

It is 5 am and i'm here happily updating this chapter. (Sorry i haven't posted in so long but i'm oficially back)

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