Chapter 64

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Lina's P.O.V

"Ready Lina and Grayson?" Asked Pati and I looked up at Grayson, he nodded with a smile and I nodded back. "Alright, when I tell you to push you will till I count to ten, got it?" Pati asked and I nodded unable to speak from this medication she gave me to have more pain so that I can give birth faster.

"Push!" Pati said and I did. She counted to ten, and then I was able to take a little break before doing it again. After doing it for like 5-6, Grayson kept groaning on my left side. I turned to him and saw that I was grabbing his hand really tightly. "Aaah, here's the baby!" Pati said and soon enough she picked one of the babies and put it on the nurse's arms and she went to clean the baby and put the baby in a blanket. I'm saying baby because I don't know it the baby's Mason or Daisy. Grayson just stood there holding my hand tightly for support but right now his eyes were on the baby, his eyes getting teary.

"And push Lina. One more time you're already done!" I heard Pati said and I did as I was told. Soon after that another cry was heard. My head fell back on the really comfy pillow and I turned to Grayson as I cried in happiness. "I'm a mama!" I cried and he nodded kissing my hand. "And I'm a dada!" Grayson said and I let out a tired chuckle.

"Here are the prince and princess!" Pati said and she handed Mason to me and Daisy to Grayson. Mason was wearing some cute blue pyjamas and Daisy was were some pink ones. "Hi Daisy. Hi princess." Grayson talked to her and she stopped crying and just kinda stared at Grayson I guess. He took her really little hand and placed a little kiss on it.

I turned my head and then looked down at my pretty little boy. His eyes were closed as he had fallen asleep on my arms. I couldn't help but start crying, "Welcome to world my little angel. Mommy loves you Mason!" I said and kissed his litte forehead. I've been in love with Mason and Daisy for so long, and now to finally be able to hold them in my arms is the best feeling ever.

I looked up at Grayson and saw that he was moving Daisy side to side while holding her in his arms as he whispered something to her. I smiled at the sight before me. He was so fucking adorable, his eyes shined as he looked down at her. "I love you Daisy!" He said and placed a kiss on her forehead. Pati and the nurse took the babies again and then walked out to go and place them in a room with other babies since I need to get out of this room soon and then Mason and Daisy will be able to be in the room with me again.

Grayson's P.O.V

Pati came back and told me that it is time for me to get out of the room right now. After kissing Lina's forehead I was out of the room with the hugest smile on my face. "Grayson, what happened?" Ethan asked worriedly and I just smiled. "THEY'RE HERE!" I yelled and this time I didn't care if anyone watched us. Ethan wrapped his arms around me in a bro hug and I did the same. "I'm officialy an uncle, oh my god!" Ethan said happily and I nodded as I pulled away.

"My man!" Damon said putting his arm around my shoulders and messing my hair up. Stefan pulled me in a bro hug as well while Damon pulled away. "Awwh my god I'm so excited to meet them. Did you see them?" Dania asked and I nodded. "I held Daisy, while Lina got Mason. Daisy stopped crying as soon as she was in my arms, and her really little hands are so cute, and the way that she was barely keeping her eyes open but still kind of looked at me. She's so tiny and so adorable and I'm literally the happiest man alive right now!" I said and Hanna hugged me, "I'm happy for you bro!"

-30 Minutes Later-

Pati told us that they moved Lina to another room so we walked there. I opened the door first and got inside to see a really really tired Lina. "Lina!" I said slowly as she struggled to keep her eyes open. "Yeah?" She whispered and I smiled. "Just go to sleep, you're tired, I'll be here baby girl." I said placing a kiss on her forehead. "Grayson. Thank you for coming into my life!" She said and my smile grew more. "No thank you for coming into my life and making me the happiest man alive."

End of chapter 64.

Q. How old are you?

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