Chapter 54

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Lina's P.O.V

I stood there at the bottom of the stairs staring at Grayson, he was staring right back at me, none of us saying a thing. "Gosh can't you just leave already?" Eliza asked annoyingly and I was pulled away from that eye contact I was having with Grayson. I bent down to get my suitcase when Grayson's voice stopped me.

"Eliza get out." Grayson said calmly and I looked up just in time to see her shocked face as she looked at him. "Excuse me?" She asked widening her eyes and I rolled mine. "You heard me. No one talks to my girl like that!" He said and my eyes softened.

"Are you forgetting that I was your first love?" She asked and Grayson sighed. "You got that right, you were my first love, a fake love but Lina she's my true love and i wouldn't be right here if it wasn't for her. She's my everything in life, everything I need." He said staring at me and trust me it was taking everything in me to not cry.

"Grayson, Hello! Wake up! I'm back." She said clapping her hands in front of his face. "It doesn't matter. You're not the one for me." Grayson said looking at her, "oh, and she is the one?" She laughed sarcastically and Grayson turned to me. "Yes she is. Even if she doesn't believe it." He said with a little smile on his face, and I was now regretting coming here and packing this suitcase and wanting to leave when I should stay and just be with my love. My Grayson. "And I'm madly and deeply in love with her.." He said and i could feel my whole body exploding with happiness.

I was speechless as Eliza was glaring at both me and Grayson. "Are you really choosing this bitch over me?" Eliza asked looking at me with disgust and what Grayson did next left me really shocked but its not like I didn't enjoy watching it.

As soon as Eliza finished her sentence Grayson's hand made contact with her cheek. If it was me i would be fucking angry at Grayson but since he slapped Eliza this time, (if you remember when he slapped me), i was really happh watching her look at him in shock.

"Grayson!" She gasped looking at him wide eyed. "This is not gonna be over, and trust me for one thing. If i can't have you, then no one can... No one." She said the last words looking directly at me as she grabbed her bag and made her way out of the door angrily but first she bumped on my shoulder and then slammed the door.

Due to the sudden noise I jumped and made a funny face as I closed my eyes and that must have been funny to Grayson. I opened my eyes and saw him laughing at me as he stared at me with this look that was so beautiful. "Why are you looking at me like that? Why is your face like shining and stuff?" I asked and he walked close to me. "I'm staring at you because you are just the cutest and mostly the best thing that has happened to me during all my life, as normal and as vampire." He said and I let out a smile.

"But I need to ask you though... Why did you think I don't love you?" He asked and i looked down embarrased. "Just seeing you talk about her and how you explained how she looked what she wore, stuff that you remember since the first time that you guys met and I know I will never be that important for you to take you 60 years to forget me." I said and he shook his head.

"There was this girl at a party, she took a drink and decided to go outside for fresh air, me, Ethan, Cameron and Aaron were attacking this innocent guy, well they were I was just watching. When Aaron attacked the guy I heard a scream, we all turned around and my eyes landed on the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. She had curled brown hair, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a white shirt with some black ankle boots. We had to do something so when she turned around to run I was right in front of her. She bumped right into my chest, i gave her a smirk, she wanted to run but Aaron compelled her to sleep and she fell on my arms. I knew right there and then, how special she was, and I knew right there and then that I would never let her go."

End of chapter 54.

Guys isn't he cute?

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