Chapter 94

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2 months later.

Lina's P.O.V

"Home Sweet home!" I yelled entering my house in New Jersey. "I'm so happy to be back." I smiled and walked over to the living room with Daisy on my arms. "There's dust everywhere. We need to clean up immediately." Grayson said and i nodded. "Let's go upstairs and sleep because it's nap time." I said cheerfully at Daisy and then stopped walking in the middle of the stairs, making Grayson stop behind me along with Mason on his arms.

"what's wrong baby?" He asked and i just looked straight, "I don't want my babies to go in those rooms... Not yet.." I said and then turned around, taking a seat on the stairs and putting Daisy on my lap.

"Okay... Uhh... I guess i'll just call Alex to come and take the kids out so we could clean up fast, and then we'll figure something out about the rooms... Okay?" Grayson asked and i nodded at him. Daisy's little hand was playing with my necklace as she stared from me back to the necklace. "Mama." She said and i smiled... "That's right baby. I'm mama!" I smiled, eyes tearing up. "I promise to you and your brother that i'll never let anything bad happen to you, ever." I said and hugged her close to my chest.

Hanna's P.O.V

"Ow shit!" I screamed as i hit my toe on the furniture as soon as I got inside the house. "OH MY GOD! What happened? Did ur water break?!" Ethan came running from the car and i just shook my head. "My toe." I said and instead of helping me to the couch he started laughing. I glared at him, making his laughter die down but still a grin was on his face. "You've gotten so big baby." He said and then he helped me to the couch in the living room.

"We need to learn the gender of the baby!" I heard Ethan say as he helped me sit down. "Yeah...!" I said and pouted. "I also wanna choose a room for our baby!" I said sadly and he sat next to me. "First we find out the gender and then we go and choose the room okay?" He asked and i nodded. "Okay!" I said and kissed his lips. God knows how much i've missed them.

Next day

Lina's P.O.V

"Okay... Perfect!" I smiled and clapped my hands as the final touch was done. Everyone in the plane were planning everything for Hanna's baby shower while she just fell asleep on the plane listening to music. Ethan was going to distract her, me and Grayson were gonna decorate her and Ethan's house, Stefan was on duty to buy the food, Damon was getting the big cake that we ordered last minute yesterday (we compelled them to finish it for today), Klaus was watching over Daisy and Mason, playing with them, Cameron was blowing the balloons while staring at Klaus and my babies, Alex and Natalie, were fixing the garden and Magnus was just throwing sparkles everywhere. "Magnus! You're making a mess." I yelled from the corner of the room as I was hanging this decoration on the wall.

"What? Everything looks good with some sparkle." He said and i rolled my eyes. "What time is everyone gonna come?" Klaus asked as Daisy was on top of his chest sleeping. She has not been feeling well and i didn't want to move her so we just let her sleep there.

"Around 6." I said looking at the clock. It was now 2 pm and we still had some more time to put everything in place. Suddenly out of nowhere Cameron ran out of the room and into the bathroom. I turned to Grayson confusedly and ran after her. "Cameron. Are you okay?" I asked waiting for her to answer but she just continued throwing up. "Do you need me to bring you some pills or anything?" I asked and looked over at Grayson and all of a sudden the door opened and Cameron came out.

"Will you please get me any pill to help me? I've been throwing up lately, i'm very sick!" She said and i nodded grabbing her hand and taking her to the kitchen. I gave her the pills and a glass of water. She gulped it down before running back to the bathroom. I really hope she gets better.

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