Chapter 26

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Damon's P.O.V

While I was getting everything ready in the training room I heard Lina yell Grayson's name and she was in danger. I ran out of the basement and got outside.

My eyes found Lina laying on the ground as Grayson and another guy were trying to wake her up. I ran over to them and grabbed Grayson's shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked and looked at the guy in front of Grayson. "She cut her hand and then Hanna was close to her so she bit her." He said and my eyes widened "She bit her?" I asked and Grayson nodded.

"Shit!" I said and then turned to this guy, "who are u?" I asked and he got up, "I'm Lina's old best friend, Nate Garner." He said and I shook his hand "Damon Salvatore." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah I know, I've heard great things about u." He said letting go of my hand and I almost laughed "Really? That's weird cause I'm a dick." I said and he started laughing. I smiled and picked up Lina from the ground. "Call Stefan." I said to Grayson and he dissapeared.

I picked Lina up from the ground and walked over to the car placing her inside. Nate got into the front seat as Stefan and Grayson made their way in the back seat with Lina.

I started driving the car to the hospital, well to our special friend in the hospital since other people can't see the bite on her neck.

I parked the car and Grayson grabbed Lina in his arms and ran to the hospital. Stefan ran after them for Lina and also for the doctor we're gonna meet. U'll see soon... Well... Read?

I walked along with Nate and there was a strange smell about him. I realized in a matter of seconds. "Werewolf, huh?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Yeah." He said and I sighed stopping. "Look I know u're Lina's old best friend but trust me, if anything puts her in danger, u're dead." I said and then  walked inside. 

I made my way inside and saw Stefan at the end of the hall with his favourite doctor

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I made my way inside and saw Stefan at the end of the hall with his favourite doctor. I walked over to them and they stopped talking. "Damon." She said shaking my hand. "Pati." I said and let go of her hand.

For as long as I know, Stefan has had a big crush on Pati. And to be honest i don't say this very often but they look perfect for each other.

I made my way past them and into the room. I sat down on a chair and grabbed Lina's hand, and started playing with it.

I was holding her hand for a long time that I didn't know what time it was. It has gotten dark outside, the moon was slightly showing.

Lina's heart monitor was working but all of a sudden her heart stopped beating. I got up and ran out of the room as everyone got up due to the sound of the door opening. "Stefan, go call Pati." I said and ran back to the room.

"Damon get out. I need to do this." Pati said as she came into the room. I turned around fastly and walked over to her. "What is going on? Is she gonna survive?" I asked as she was doing her job, putting her white gloves on.

"She lost a lot of blood and that blood was replaced with Hanna's. I'm sorry but I don't think she'll make it. The only thing we have now is hope." She said and I walked out of the door.

Grayson's P.O.V

As soon as Damon walked out of that door with that terrified look on his face I knew that this it not okay. For as long as I've known Damon he has never been like this.

"What did she say?" Damon asked and Hanna got up with tears streaming down her face. "She... She might die..." Damon said as Stefan's eyes filled up with tears. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Stefan pulled Damon into a hug, holding him tight as Stefan cried.

 Stefan pulled Damon into a hug, holding him tight as Stefan cried

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My eyes filled up with tears as Ethan pulled me into a hug. "She's gonna be okay." Dania said sadly a tear falling down her cheek. "I did this to her. This is all my fault." Hanna said crying and I just shut my ears. I couldn't handle this.

The door opened and everybody looked at Pati red eyed, she looked at each one of us, a pained look on her face, "I did everything I could, but it wasn't enough. She didn't make it."

End of chapter 26.


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