Chapter 87

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Lina's P.O.V

"And how exactly do you plan on helping me?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest as Isabelle just said she had a way to help me. "Ever since I found out I was adopted I did some research on finding my real mother and when I found her, I wished I never did know she existed." She said and I raised a brow before grabbing another chair and sitting in front of her.

"What did she do to you?" I asked curiously while staring at her, straight in the eyes, into her soul. "She's cruel. She's a monster. And I know I don't really know you or anything about you, I can see what this has done to you, it made you turn your humanity off." She said and I frowned. "How do you know that?" I asked suspiciously staring at her.

"It doesn't take much to see lifeless eyes looking back at me. No emotion, nothing. I've seen eyes like this before. Hers. As she murdered someone right in front of my eyes. I had stopped and immediately froze in one place as I stared at her. You don't deserve to feel like that." She said looking me In the eyes before looking down.

"Isabelle, I'm trusting you to help me. Even though I don't know you that much. But listen to me, if you dare to cross me, I'll make it my cause you will never see any loved one ever again."

Grayson's P.O.V

"Brother, what brought you here?" Ethan asked with a stupid smirk when he spotted me walking out of the car. Hanna is inside waiting until it is the right time to come out. "Where's Lina, Ethan?" I asked rolling my eyes at him. I'm not in the mood to play. "Inside, chatting with Damon and Isabelle." He said and looked around before grabbing my arm and walking me further from the house and the car.

"Wha-" I wanted to asked but just pushed me till we were far enough so no one is listening to what we're talking about. "What are you doing Ethan?" I finally asked and he sighed. "Dude, Lina is not okay. She's cold and mean and distant. She tried to be quiet every night but I can hear her sniff when she cries at night." He said and my heart dropped. "I tried to call you but she told me not to. She doesn't want you seeing her like that, but dude you have to be here because I don't know what the hell to do anymore. I agreed to help her with this just so that I could be close to her and protect her in any way I could."

"Why didn't you call me secretly, or text me? She needed me and I wasn't here." I said angrily and he rolled his eyes, "She's so stubborn, no wonder why Hanna always said that about her." He chuckled lightly before his smile fell. "I miss her like hell man. Everyday I think and hope it gets better but it gets worse. All my emotions are gathered inside my body just waiting to explode. I miss her." He said his eyes tearing up.

"Well, good thing we missed you too." We heard a voice and turned where the voice came from. "Hanna?" Ethan asked as he stared at her, completely shocked and frozen in place. "Yeah, It's me Ethan. We're back. Me and our baby." Hanna said smiling a little. "Dude are you seeing this? Pinch me. Am I dreaming?" Ethan asked looking at me, and before I could say anything, in a blink Hanna was in front of Ethan and smashed her lips on his. "PDA people, respect for the nature." I said and they pulled away and rolled their eyes at me. "Well since you two are reunited, I'll go and try to get back my babygirl." I said and made a few steps before I stopped. "Family reunions, how sweet." A voice said. A voice I knew too good.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before I turned around. "Grayson!" He smirked waving at me a little. "Nate!"

End of chapter 87.

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