Chapter 23

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Lina's P.O.V

I hugged both Stefan and Damon back, not letting them go. I don't know why I felt so damn safe with them but I didn't mind it at all. The front door closed making us three pull away from each other. "I think its better if we move from here." I heard Grayson say and Damon nodded.

"I think is better if u all come over to our place. I'm sure our parents won't mind it at all." Damon said and I shrugged. "Okay since everybody is thinking something, I think I should go and talk to Hanna. Excuse me." Ethan said making us giggle as he walked past us. "So lets get to packing." Stefan said and started walking upstairs. I followed behind him and we walked to my room.

I had many clothes here so I told him to help me with the shirts and jeans while I pack my underwear.

In about 15 mins we were both done since he was doing all that in his vampire speed. "Stefan?" I asked placing my last piece of underwear in my bag, "Yeah?" He asked looking at me, "What is ur ability?" I asked as we both zipped up the suitcases and bags.

"I'm fast." He started and I nodded "Noticed that." I said pointing to the suitcase making him laugh. "We'll talk later about that. Lets go now." He said and I nodded following him out as he carried both the suitcase and bag.

Walking down the stairs I overheard Hanna and Ethan talking about something. "I get it but that doesn't mean Lina's gonna know." Ethan said and before I could hear Hanna responding Damon called my name. "Lina. What are u doing here?" He asked making me jump. "I was just gonna talk to Hanna but I guess she's busy." I said and started walking, making my way around him and walking down the stairs.

"Hey what's wrong?" Grayson asked as he came inside the house. "Nothing. What are u doing?" I asked trying to move from that subject. What was Ethan talking about?. "Helping Stefan with the suitcases. Are u sure u're okay?" He asked again and I nodded.

I walked out and made my way towards the car and got in the backseat. Soon Grayson followed sitting in the back with me and then Damon sat in the front.

Stefan, Hanna and Ethan were in another car and were driving in front of us leading us to their house.

Staring out the window I wondered what they were talking about? Or maybe if they were talking about me at all.

I didn't notice the car has stopped till Damon confirmed it. "We're here." He said and I walked out the car. Staring out the window I saw an amazing house.

"Amazing, right?" Grayson asked staying next to me and I nodded. "This place is gorgeous." I said smiling and then I heard a voice. I felt like I've heard it before.

"Thank u sweetheart." I turned around to face the person that talked and infront of me stood a very beautiful woman. Long brown hair and brown eyes, a smile that matched her beautiful features.

"I'm Melissa." She smiled and walked over to me. "Lina." I smiled back and she pulled me into a hug. "Its nice to finally meet u." She said into the hug and I smiled. She's really nice. "Its nice to meet u too." I said and we pulled away.

"I'm Peter." A man said smiling "I'm Lina." I smiled back and he gave me a hug. I heard sniffling behind me so we pulled away. I turned around and saw Damon crying.

"I can't... Family reunions are too much for me." He said and all started laughing as Grayson pulled him into a hug. "Family?" I asked and his eyes widened as he turned to Stefan, "He meant now that since now u're part of the family." He said and I nodded. "Okay." I said and turned to the woman when she started talking, "Wanna go for a house tour?" She asked and I nodded following her inside.

Stefan's P.O.V

"Are u stupid Damon?" I asked hitting him in the back of his head "Ow, and no I'm not, annnd I'm older than u so u can't hit me." Damon said and I rolled my eyes.

"U might be older but u act like a 5 year old." I said and he glared at me "Excuse me?" He asked coming closer till our dad came in between us two. "Enough with this u guys." He said and Damon sighed taking a few steps back.

Damon's P.O.V

After arguing with my little brother I took a few steps back and sighed. I hate arguing with him but there's not much I can do about it. Its sibling fight and don't tell me u don't fight with ur siblings.

"Something doesn't feel right..." Ethan started and Grayson nodded along with Stefan. "Someth-..." Dad was interrupted by Lina screaming inside the house. My eyes turned bloody red as I was the first one to run into the house. 

I could hear the others following me as I ran over to Lina. When I made it to her room upstairs she was staying there shocked. "Lina." I said slowly grabbing her arm. "Lina?" I asked her again trying to make her turn to me but she only stared behind me. "Damon!." She said pointing at something behind me.

I turned around and something was written on the wall, with blood.

Uh oh, guess who's next?...

I growled and turned to face my family. "This... is a war...."

End of chapter 23

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End of chapter 23.

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