Chapter 65

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Lina's P.O.V

After being really tired yesterday from giving birth and everyone visiting after that I was passed out. I didn't even get to see Mason or Daisy again because i was that tired. Right now I just woke up to see Grayson passed out on the chair, the cutest thing about this was that on either side of his chair were two little beds with Daisy and Mason in them.

I wanted to get up from the bed so bad but I couldn't I was really tired. "Grayson!" I whisper yelled since I didn't wanna scare him to death by screaming. "Grayson!" I said again and this time he started to slowly open his eyes. He rubbed his eyes with his hands before fully  opening them. He let out a smile when he saw me awake and got up from his chair to make his way to me.

I smiled back and then he kissed me on the cheek. "I'm gonna go in the bathroom. Do you want me to bring Daisy and Mason here for you?" Grayson asked and i nodded my head, he walked over to the babies while I sat up to hold my little cuties in my arms. "Here's the little princess... aaand the little prince!" Grayson said as he placed both of them on my arms.

"HI there!" I smiled at them as they were just staring at me for a second before they let out a little smile and closed their eyes. I'm not sure if it was a smile or no but i loved that little moment anyways. Grayson made his way out of the bathroom and took Mason and Daisy and put them in their little hospital beds. He helped me up and slowly we made our way to the bathroom.

"Lina? What are you doing up?" Hanna asked as she and Ethan entered the room, "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom!" I said and she nodded and took of her jacket. "I'll take you. Grayson you take this, and this." She said handin Grayson her jacket and then her bag. She helped me get in the bathroom and waited till I also brushed my teeth and then helped me back to bed.

"Oh my god, i think I'm going to die right now." Hanna said as she held Mason. "Why?" Grayson asked and she smiled, "because of this little man I'm holding on my arms. He's so cute, little and adorable, I just wanna eat him." Hanna said and I shook my head while chuckling at her.

"Alright Grayson that's enough, can I hold my little princess now?" Ethan asked walking over to Grayson. "Why don't you make your own little princess?" Grayson asked as I tried not to laugh at Hanna who started blushing, "Oh trust me brother we're deffinitely working on it." Ethan said and this time Hanna's eyes widened.

I started laughing as soon as she slapped his arm. Grayson and Ethan joined too while Hanna was just holding Mason and blushing. Grayson sat on the bed next to me and we stared at Ethan and Hanna who were holding Daisy and Mason and what made this moment really cute was that they gave each other a kiss and I'm glad Grayson was able to catch that moment as he took a picture of them. They will make a great family and be great parents to their cute little babies.

End of chapter 65.

Thank you everyone for 100k. This is unbelievable. I love you all and from now on longer chapters coming...

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