Chapter 17

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Lina's P.O.V

"Thank god u're ho- were u 2 together?." Hanna asked as me and Grayson entered the living room. I nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking to my room. She's a vampire but I don't care. She's still my Hanna. My bestie since we were little and she's gonna be my bestie till I die. I entered my room and fell on my bed. Staring at the ceiling my mind went back to Grayson's story. His voice showed a lot of pain, sadness don't know what else. I felt sorry for him. I sighed and walked to the bathroom and started at the mirror. My eyes were red from all the crying earlier. I still can't believe my family is dead. They were my everything. And it's my fault. This is whole my fault. I just left them because I was scared and didn't think about them at all. I should've been dead with them in our house. Tears started falling down my face as I stared at my reflection with anger and hatred. I hate myself. I walked into the room again and changed into my pyjamas before getting under the covers. I stared at the ceiling and cried. Not sobbing. Crying silently, hoping they don't hear. Keeping all that pain inside of me. I could hear my heart break more and more by seconds passing. Memories of me and my family flashing through my mind. I got up from the bed and walked over to the balcony, the cold wind hitting my body as I opened the doors. I put the blanket closer to my body and looked up at the sky. "Mom, I remember when uncle died and u told me he'll always watch over me from Heaven. I really hope u're doing the same right now. I wanna say I'm sorry for leaving without saying a word. I was scared and I hope u can understand me now. I'm sorry mom. And I miss u, I miss u so bad. It hurts mom." I said looking up at the stars as tears fell down my face. "Dad. I also wanna say I'm sorry for leaving without a word, or explanation. I guess u can see the reason now. I know if U were... alive, u would try to kill Grayson for what had happened..." I laughed slowly tears falling down my cheek and I took a deep breath. "I miss you dad. I really want u all back." I smiled and sighed "Liam. Brother. It's crazy how fast I lost u. How fast we lost each other. How fast things changed. Half a year ago we were so happy, but what now?. Everything changed since that night happened. I wish I never went to that party because this would never happen, I'd be sitting in my room listening to music while U would stay in ur room doing homework or playing with Burnie. Gosh how much I miss u guys. I love u all." I slowly smiled and finished what I had to say. Tears never stopped, don't think they ever will. I went back to the room and got under the covers, again staring at the ceiling. My eyes were getting heavier and heavier by the tears falling down my face. Soon before I knew it I was brought into blackness...

I woke up later by someone shaking me. I turned around to see it was Grayson with a tray of food. "Good morning." He said and tried to let the food tray on my lap "I'm not hungry." I said and he sighed "Lina u should eat!" He said kinda angrily and I turned to my side again "I'm not hungry. All I wanna do is sleep." I said and he sighed coming around the bed and sitting next to me. He had placed the tray of food on the bed and now he's in front of me. "I'm sorry." He whispered kissing my forehead. Sparks rushed through my body, probably my heart too but it is too broken to feel anything. I heard him walk out the room and close the door quietly. I sighed and opened my eyes. I couldn't sleep anymore even tho I tried. I got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom, washed my teeth and walked back to the room and changed into a pair of black jeans, black shit, black leather jacket and my black vans and took my black sunglasses and walked out the room. My phone was in my pocket and my hair fell to the end of my back as I put my sunglasses on. "Lina where are u going?" Hanna asked walking out the kitchen when she saw me pass by "Home." I mumbled and I knew she heard me. I walked out of the house and headed for the cemetery. The walk there was a few blocks and that have me enough time to cry. Even tho I still can't believe it till I see them I still am crying. I walked up to the front door to the cemetery. I sighed and made my way inside, looking around for their names. A few people were here and there crying. I continued looking till I found them.

Katherine Jane Anderson

Michael Jay Anderson

Liam James Anderson

"No!" I whispered slowly covering my mouth with my hand. It's true. They're gone. All this pain hit me once again. "Please wake up!" I screamed sobbing. "Please. I want u all back." I continued tears streaming down my face. "Lina!" I heard someone grab me before I fell on the floor, "shhh." He continued and I noticed it is Grayson. "They're gone Grayson." I cried and he hugged me closer to his body. "I lost them." I continued and he hugged me closer. "Shhh. Baby girl. I'm here for u. I'll always be."

End of chapter 17.

New characters coming soon...

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