Chapter 70

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Grayson's P.O.V

I came home around 11 at night, tired of this day filled with such dissapointment. I was out all day asking people around if they had seen anything. We asked vampires, we killed a lot of humans today and that made it for the hunters to hunt us.

Damon and Stefan fell in the bed tiredly and let out a sigh. "Finally home." Stefan sighed tiredly. "Yeah, and its so quiet, where's Lina?" Damon asked confusedly raising a brow at me. "Did someone take her?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "You guys are asking me as if I was at home with her. I'll go check upstairs." I said and headed towards the stairs.

I made my way past Daisy and Mason's rooms and this pain hit me in my chest. I opened the door to mine and Lina's room and turned the lights on, only for me to see that she was nowhere in the room.

I furrowed my eyebrows and walked out of the room and went to check on Daisy's room, maybe she's there but I thought wrong. She wasnt there either. I opened the door to Mason's room and turned the lights on, to find my angel sleeping on the floor while cuddling with our babies' onesies.

I went down and picked her on my arms bridal style and she started moving around, this time making it visible for me to see her teary cheeks. She was even crying on her sleep now. I walked out of Mason's room just as she opened her eyes.

"Grayson? When did you come home baby?" She asked with a little smile as we made our way to our bedroom. I placed her on the bed and she sat immediately. "I came like 5 minutes ago." I said and sat down on the bed next to her.

"Any news?" She asked looking sadly at me and I pulled her close to me into a hug. "No, but I promise you baby we're gonna find them." I said and she sniffled as she continued to cry. "What did I... We... What did we do to deserve this?" She asked and I closed my eyes. And put my chin on top of her head.

"I don't know baby. But what I know is that she's gonna pay for this. For coming into my home and taking the people i love the most. Even Ethan is not the same anymore, none of us are." I said and she nodded and pulled away. "She's gonna pay, and I promise to you too that we're gonna find them... Together. Both of us. Starting from tomorrow i'm coming with you." She said as my eyes widened. "What? No. Lina. No, it's dangerous."

"It can't be any more dangerous than staying home and wait till I loose my fucking mind." Lina shouted getting up from the bed and looking at me angrily. "Do you know how hard it has been this week just sitting home and crying? Walking around the house and still be able to smell the adorable of my babies when they're not here? Thinking of places they might be and thinking what is happening to them? I can't go any more hour in that way. If I'm not gonna come with you then I'm gonna go and search for my babies by myself." She said and walked out of the room and slamming the door in the process. I let out a huge sigh and threw a pillow from the bed on the wall, "Fuck!" I said putting my hands over my face.

Ethan's P.O.V

Opening my eyes I felt the annoying headache start. Hangover. I closed my eyes a little and waited to get adjusted to the sun that was shining into my room, well the guest room in Lina and Grayson's house.

I rolled over and put my feet on the ground as I sat up. I rubbed my face with my hands and finally got up from the bed. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, using the new bought brush specially for me since I have been staying here for the past week, and today starts the hunting. I'm gonna hunt down that bitch named Eliza, save my girl and baby and also my nephew and niece.

After brushing my teeth I decided to take a shower to freshen up a bit. After the shower i felt myself better, way better. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out of the bathrom and into the room. I put on the new clothes Grayson has left for me and put my towel to the used clothes.

I made my way to the staircase and walked down the stairs to hear the shouting coming from the living room. "I AM COMING GRAYSON!" Lina yelled looking at him angrily. "NO YOU'RE NOT! IT IS DANGEROUS LINA!" Grayson yelled back and I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned on the doorway.

"Damon say something please." Grayson said turning to Damon for help and he was about to talk but Lina stopped him. "Don't you dare say a work Damon. This is between me and Grayson. If I want to go with you on your way to find the people I love then I'm gonna come. If you don't want me to then I'll go alone." Lina said glaring at Grayson and I sighed.

"Who said you're alone girl?" I asked and all the eyes were on me. "You're up?" Stefan asked and I nodded. "Lina if you wanna go and look for that bitch Eliza then I'm in. We can go together." I said and she nodded walking over to me. I grabbed my car keys from the table in the living room and walked to the front door but as I was about to open the door, in a blink Grayson was infront of us.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked glaring at us. "If it isn't obvious for you little brother, we're gonna go and search for our loved ones together. So if you don't mind just move aside and let us step out." I said and he shook his head. "No you're not going anywhere." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Why?" Lina yelled at him and I turned to stare at Grayson. "Because none of you aren't on your right mind right now. Either of you know what to do." He said and I sighed. "Then take us with you. We can all go together and protect each other." I said and he let out a groan. "Fucking damnn it, Fine." He said and walked away from the door.

Eliza's P.O.V

"Yooo Liza. What should we do with that Hanna chick?" I heard Christian, one of my vampires, say as I was enjoying my lunch. And he found the perfect time to ask me about that stupid girl. "I don't care... Or... Drop her somewhere in the woods, she's hungry, pregnant, and weak, there's no way she's gonna survive in the woods not even for one full night."

End of chapter 70.

Ethan and Lina joined Grayson, Damon, Stefan and their vampire friends on this searching about Hanna and the babies.

(Sorry for not updating I was on vacation but now I'm back. Stronger than ever. Lol. Lygsm)

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