Chapter 55

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Lina's P.O.V

I stared into his beautiful brown eyes, a smile being visible on my face. I thought about the first night I met him too, he was wearing some black jeans with a green hoodie. His hair was up in a quiff and that smirk of his, even after being terrified from him I couldn't deny that hot smirk of his.

"The way we met, might have not been perfect but I think that true love is unexpected, like ours." He smiled and I smiled back. "You are gonna make me cry, please stop." I said with a smile as happy tears appeared on my eyes. "No. Okay I'll stop, just don't cry baby girl." He said and pulled me into his arms.

People might ask where my home is, and as weird as it is I'll say my home is in his arms, because this is where I find myself in peace and in love. "I love you baby girl. But let me tell you, one day i'm gonna love another girl." He said with a stupid smile on his face and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Our future daughter silly." He said and I couldn't help but giggle. "I love you." I said as I leaned forward and my lips made contact with his.

1 Month Later...

This past month, me and Grayson have fixed the house and it's in a better condition now. Dania, Pati, Damon and Stefan are not gonna come back yet, they're still thinking about it, and I understand them because I also need to move out of this place. Also good news is that Eliza is probably gone or hiding because we never saw her since that night.

Anyways I was just sitting on the couch watching a movie when my phone beeped. I picked it up and saw it was from Grayson.

My love💑 : Get dressed and meet me in New Jersey.

Me: What? How will I come there?

My love💑 : There's a car waiting outside for you.

Just like he said, i got up to look outside and a car was already waiting outside. I texted him i love you and he texted me back. I walked upstairs and let my curly hair down. I had curled them in the morning while i listened to music because i didn't have anything to do since Grayson is not home today.

I decided to out on a dress and do my makeup. I walked to my walk in closet and looked around for a bag. I grabbed it and put some stuff i might need, like my charger, earphones, lipstick, and other stuff. I also grabbed my phone and walked out. I locked the front door and walked over to the car.

The driver opened the door for me as he kept his head down. I frowned but got inside the car anyways. He started the car a 10 seconds later and I noticed he's a vampire since I couldn't smell his blood. I was just scrolling on my phone when the driver told me that we arrived.

He opened the door for me and I walked out. "Thank you." I said and grabbed my bag. "No problem miss." He said and walked back inisde and then drove away. I turned around and stared at this beautiful house in front of me. This is the house Grayson wanted me to meet him at.

I walked up to the front door and saw that it was open a bit. I pushed it then got inside. All the doors inside the house were closed tho. I noticed that the rooms had a big paper on the door.

This is the room where we will watch movies with our friends.

I let out a smile and opened the door. I giggled when I saw some figures, couch, television on the floor as if how he imagined where we are gonna put them.

"Grayson!" I let out a smile and turned around. If I forgot to mention the house is empty though. Anyways I walked out of the living room I guess and infront of it there was this other door, "Grayson, come out." I smiled and then read what was written on the door.

This is the room where we will cook and have food fights.

I rolled my eyes with a smile and opened the door to reveal a kitchen. There was no table yet but the kitchen looked beautiful. I walked back outside and walked up the stairs. "Grayson." I called again but no answer. I walked down the hallway to the first door I saw.

This is the room where our baby girl will be sleeping.

I opened the door and looked around, the room was quite big and by the window stood a pink teddy bear. I grabbed it and then walked out of the room with a smile. I looked at the door in front of this one and it said.

This is the room where our baby boy will be sleeping.

I walked inside and just like the other room this was big and a blue teddy bear stood by the window. I walked over to the window grabbed it and then walked out. Made my way to the last room down the hallway.

This is the room where we will spent our nights cuddling, making love, and fucking.

I read and the started laughing while shaking my head. I opened the door and there he was. "Grayson." I said with a smile and he smiled back. Our room was huge man, H U G E. It had a walk in closet, a bathroom, and the sick view from our balcony.

I started walking towards Grayson when he pulled out a piece of paper behind his back, and placed it in front of me so I could read it.

This is the guy that is madly in love with you who has one important question to ask you...

I looked up at Grayson and he let out a smile. He placed the paper down and walked over to me. He took my hands in his and looked me in the eyes. "I was thinking of ways to ask you this question and then an idea came to mind. Why not in our house?... Lina... Since the day I met you I was crazy for you. Like no one existed it was just us two." He said and my eyes started getting teary. This is not happening... Oh my goodness.

"I'm deeply and madly in love with you, and I wanna spend the rest of my eternity with someone I love and loves me back just as much. With someone I wanna have babies with, someone I wanna wake up every morning and see that sleeping face of hers. See that angel. Lina..." He started and went down on his knee and pulled out a ring. "Oh my god." I said as tears started rolling down my face. "Will you marry me?"

End of chapter 55.

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