Chapter 30

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Cameron's P.O.V

Walking around in the woods, following the pack Peter told us to we came to a stop. They stopped infront of a house in the middle of the woods that I never knew existed. I looked at Aaron for a minute then turned my attention back at the pack as we ran and hid behind trees.

They walked into the house as I pulled my phone out and rang Peter. "Hello." He answered and I tried to speak as quietly as possible, "U need to come here right now." I said and I heard him open and then close a door. "What happened?" He asked and I sighed looking at the house for any movements.

"We found their location." I said on the phone as the front door opened again. "Where is it?" He asked and I didn't answer since what I saw next was really shocking.

"Peter. I... I found Melissa." I said and he immediately answered. "What? where?" He asked and my jaw clenched, "I'll text u the adress. Bring back up." I said and hung up. I quickly texted him the adress and my eyes turned red. "Time for some revenge."

Lina's P.O.V

"How did they find mom?" Damon asked getting up from the chair as I sat up on the bed. "Cameron and Aaron followed Kyle, and well thats how they found Melissa." Peter said and I got up from the bed.

"Where are u going, young lady?" Peter asked as I put on my shoes. "To get change so we'll go get aunt Melissa." I said and he shook his head. "No, u're staying here." He said and I shook my head this time. "No, I'm coming." I said walking to the bathroom with my clothes on my hands.

Damon's P.O.V

"No I'm coming." She said and walked into the bathroom with her clothes on her hands. "Where are they?" I asked dad and he pulled his phone out and read the adress. "That's the house in the woods." Stefan said and I raised a brow. "Those motherfuckers."

I walked out of the room as Dania was about to get in. "Where are u going?" She asked and i smirked, "Ready about to get revenge. Go get ready baby." I said and kissed her lips as she smirked. "Revenge. I love it." She smirked and both, hand in hand we dissapeared from the hallway.

Stefan's P.O.V

After waiting for Lina she soon came out looking as good as she always does. "Wow." Grayson said staring her up and down, I gave him a glare and coughed so I'd get his attention.

"I'm ready." She said and we got up from the chairs. "Let's get going." I said and we walked out of the room. I saw Pati coming over to us and I coughed so my voice is normal. Man i've had the hugest crush on her since a long time and still couldn't invite her to a date with me.

"What are we doing?" She asked and I raised a brow. "What? I'm coming." She said angrily when she saw me stare at her with the *where do u think u're going* look. She rolled her eyes and I smirked. She's so damn hot.



Lina's P.O.V

"Damon, Cameron u go on the left side. Stefan, Grayson right side. Ethan Aaron back side, Dania, Hanna and Pati, watch over Lina." Peter gave orders and My jaw fell. "I don't need babysitters, let alone 3 of them." I said angrily and he sighed. "We're doing this for u." He said and I crossed my arms over my chest. "Need any help?" I heard Nate's voice and when I turned around he was all wolfed up with a pack of his own behind him.

"Don't vampires and wolfs hate each other?" I asked making this even more awkward and tense, "Yes we do. But if it means that we keep u safe then I'll do whatever it takes to protect my bestfriend." Nate said and I smiled. "Thanks, Nate." I said and he winked, "No problem." He said and I heard Grayson growl, I turned around and he stopped.

Everybody dissapeared in their positions, while Grayson was still here. "Why aren't u going?" I asked and he only stared at me, "I'm scared about this plan, there's something wrong. It can't be Alec and Magnus." Grayson said and I nodded walking over to him. "I know but still we gotta save Damon and Stefan's mom." I said and he nodded. "I gotta go now." He said and I gave him a fake smile.

To be honest I also feel that this is gonna go wrong, that I wont be able to be around this guy anymore. He turned around and took a few steps away from me until I yelled his name. He turned around and I'm finally gonna do what I've wanted to do since a long time ago but never got the power to do it. I ran over to him and smashed my lips into his, my arms wrapped around his neck, while his hands on my waist, he immediately kissed back, I could feel my body burning and the feelings that I've tried to hold on but stilm exploded all at once. I pulled away and he smiled, "I love u."

End of chapter 30.


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