Chapter 33

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Lina's P.O.V

"Lina sit down. We need to talk." Peter said and I sat down. Everybody's eyes on me. Grayson sat down on my right side and Hanna on my left. "Should I start?" Peter asked and Melissa nodded.

"17 hears ago when u were born. We were all so happy. Finally a little princess joining the family... A year later we found out that Vincent has some evil plans to kill u." He paused and I raised a brow.

"We were scared. Everyone. We didn't know what to do. Of we ran away he'd find us. U were growing up like a normal girl, not a vampire. It was for the best that we left u at the family that raised u." He said and looked at Melissa when she started talking.

"I remember when u were 1 years old. U weren't walking yet. I was worried but Peter always said that she will. She can do it. She's daddy's little girl. And u finally did. The day we were leaving u at ur other family, u came to me. And u weren't just walking. U were running. On my arms. For one last time." She cried and so did everyone in the room. My eyes teared up.

"After that day it was really hard for each one of us to live in peace. There was no more happiness in our house. The only little sister we had was gone." Stefan said a tear rolling down his face.

"I remember being so heartbroken. My whole body was filled with anger to go and kill Vincent but I didn't. We couldn't find him. He was no where to be seen." Damon said.

"We let u at ur other family because we thought it was gonna be safer for u." Peter said and a tear rolled down my face. "For me being safe?... And look where it got them. They're dead just because Vincent went after me."

"Lina, no. Them dying is not ur fault." Damon said and I nodded. "It is. If... If I was home that night, he would've killen me not them." I said tears never stopping. "But most of all why did u give me up to some strangers?" I asked.

"To keep u safe-" Peter started answering but I shook my head. "No. If U wanted me to be safe u could've protected me. Don't u have powers after all? Aren't u vampires supposed to be strong?" I asked and they sighed.

"Why did u come back for me now? After all these years?" I asked, feeling the anger inside of me. "Because we never left. We were always watching over u." Stefan said and I laughed sarcastically. "Were u really?"

"Are u in any picture of any vacation I was with my family? Are in any of my memories?... Either of u are." I said and Damon got up. "Lina we were doing it for u." He said and I shook my head.

"Really Damon? Come on u are vampires and still let normal humans take care of me against that freak. If U wanted me to really be safe I would've been here. Why did u all come into my life?" I asked him and everyone in the room.

"I was so happy with my normal life until that night... The night that changed my life forever. Why did u come back?" I asked, I don't know if at this point I was even screaming. "Because we are sorry and wanna be a family again." Melissa said and I sighed.

"No... We can't be a family... Family doesn't walk out on one another. Family is sticking together through everything. No matter how bad it is. No matter how hard it is. U've lost the chance of being my family that night. The night u all left me at a strangers door." I said a tear falling down my face.

"I understand how u feel-" Melissa started and I shook my head, chuckling lightly. "Do u really know how I feel? When in one night ur whole life changes. U have to run for ur life, run from all these supernatural creatures, find out that the family that raised me isn't really my family, that all my life there has been a killer chasing me, and now that my real family are vampires... Yeahhh.... U don't know how I feel."

"I'm sorry, Lina." Melissa said and I nodded and slowly got up from the couch and wipped my tears away. "I'm sorry too... For all these 16 years we have been living separate lives, let's keep it that way." I said and walked out. A tear fell down my face as soon as I turned my back on them.

End of chapter 33.

I feel sad for Lina :(

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