Chapter 72

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Lina's P.O.V

"And it is done." Alex said as Ethan opened his eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep the magic going." He said and Ethan's eyes teared up. "I need to find her. We need to find her guys. She's not safe there." He said and started shaking with fear. "Ethan. Okay. Okay. Okay we're gonna find her." I said and hugged him as soon as he got up.

He wrapped his arms tightly around me and sobbed on my shoulder. I noticed someone had joined the hug and by the strong muscles that I have gotten used to I knew it was Grayson. Our hug was soon broken as we pulled away due to the noise. "We found something." Rafael, a man from our group said coming into the house which was not mine and Grayson's but the house where the group always meets up at.

"What did you find?" I asked before anyone else could. "As you know Amadeo, our best hacker has been looking for clues and he found where the car that the miss and the babies were kidnapped." Rafael said and my jaw dropped. "What?" Ethan asked wide eyed as he stared at the Rafael and then at me and then at me and then again back at him.

"As I said sir, we found the car that the miss and the babies were kidnappe-" Rafael said again but was interrupted by Ethan and Grayson running past him towards who I'm guessing Amadeo. I quickly followed behind them along with Stefan, Damon and Cameron, my future sister in law. ;)

We got outside the building and got into the car as fast as we could. I sat in the back while Ethan and Grayson sat in the front, Gray's driving and Ethan is sitting on the passenger seat. Damon and Stefan got in another car that if there were to be a car chase or something it would be easier if there were 2 cars.

We followed the directions that Amadeo was giving us through the phone and finally got there where the car was. I basically jumped out of the car and ran towards the one we have been looking for. I reached for the door and tried to open it but it was locked.

If i was a human, i would give up right now but I'm a hybrid so I used my elbow to break the glass and then yanked the door back and see it fly past me into the woods. I immediately took up the scent of my babies and searched around for whatever I could find.

I was about to get out when I steped on something. Confused I looked down at my shoes and my eyes started tearing up. It was a pacifier. Daisy's pacifier.

I had gotten this pacifier for Daisy just a few days before her and Mason were born

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I had gotten this pacifier for Daisy just a few days before her and Mason were born. "What did y-" Grayson stopped mid sentence and looked the pacifier on my hands. "That is Daisy's pacifier." He mumbled and tears formed on his eyes.

I let out a shaky breath and nodded. "I miss them, Grayson." I said as a tears rolled down my face. "I miss them too." He said and with his finger under my chin he made me look towards him. His cheeks were covered with tears that were rolling down his face. "But Lina I promise to you that we will find them. I promise."

Eliza's P.O.V

I decided to take a walk around the building and see what everyone is doing. I also decided to go and check up on Mason and Daisy, let's see how my new little friends are doing.

I opened the door to their room, well it is the guest room but for the time being it is their room. I walked over to their cribs and looked at Mason to see him asleep while sucking on his pacifier.

I almost died of how cute he is but then again i'm already dead, right? I let out a smile and then looked over at Daisy's crib

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I almost died of how cute he is but then again i'm already dead, right? I let out a smile and then looked over at Daisy's crib.

She had been playing with some toys and as soon as she noticed me she looked towards me

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She had been playing with some toys and as soon as she noticed me she looked towards me. I should give credit to whoever dressed her up because she really looked like a princess.

If Grayson would just come back to me I would accept his kids and love him and them but that stupid bitch had to come between us and ruin everything.

I mean yeah I've done bad things in the past and I did a bad thing to him but everyone deserves a second chance right. No matter how messed up they are. I deserve a chance and I'll make sure I have it.

Hanna's P.O.V

I opened my eyes looking confusedly around the woods and then calming down. Whoever that guard was he threw me out here in the woods and I immediately passed out by this tree. I have no idea what direction to go since everything seems the same I just hope that everything is gonna be okay, i looked down at my belly and placed my hand on top if it, "Mommy's got this."

End of chapter 72.

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