Chapter 74

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Lina's P.O.V

I widened my eyes and looked over his shoulder. He had a picture of a girl put up and I gave him a confused look. "This is my step sister and well she's as evil as Eliza and now she's working for her." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Oh." I said and sighed. "But what about her?" I asked and he mentioned for someone to call Grayson.

"What?" He asked walking towards us, "Crystal, she's working with Eliza." He said and I looked up at Grayson. "Wait, wait, wait. Crystal is working with Eliza? How did you find it out?" Grayson asked and I mentally agreed with him.

"I was tracking phone calls that were releated to Eliza, and I found out that she's called Crystal and talk to her and asked her to go and watch over the babies... Well your babies." Amadeo said and I looked down. "Is there anyway you can find the location from Eliza's call?" Grayson asked and I looked up at Amadeo waiting for an answer.

"Sadly not but we can listen together to the phone call and see if there's any hints we can get from their conversation." Amadeo said and we nodded. Grayson sat down on the other side of Amadeo and he continued to type before the conversation started.

C- Eliza! It's been a long time girl.

E- Yeah I know, I've missed you sis, how have you been?

C- Oh it's been good, i mean 65 years without talking and now here you are... You need something don't you?

E- Gahhh... You got me. Yeah I need your help with something.

C- with what?

E- Soooooo I recently kidnapped 2 babies and I need someone who can really take care of the babies.

C- WHAT?! Tell me you did not kidnapp Grayson's kids.

E- I...

C- How could you separate them from their own parents?

E- i'll tell you when you get here but first I'm gonna need you to take the plane ticket I sent you and fly over here..

C- fine. Bye.

"Wait, wait, wait... Fly over here? Fly where? Are they out of country or what? WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?!" I screamed freaking out as I paced around the room. "Babe. Calm down okay. We're gonna find them." Grayson said placing his hands on my cheeks and making me look at him. "We're gonna find them." He said looking deeply into my eyes and I nodded.

Grayson placed a kiss on my forehead and turned aroud making his way out of the room. "Amadeo, try to find Eliza's number, or Crystal's. Now!" I said and he looked up at me. "Grayson didn't ask ab-" he started talking and I put my hand up. "I asked you okay. Find me that damn number. As fast as you can." I said and walked out of the room.

I got the keys to my car and got inside ready to drive. I drove home in a few minutes, thank god it wasn't that far. I walked out of the car and ran into the house. Making my way upstairs to my room I immediately started packing some clothes. I'm gonna need soemthing to wear for this hunting trip I'm gonna make.

I zipped up the bag and walked back outside. I locked the front door and walked over to the car and placed the bag in the backseat before getting onto the driver's seat and driving back to the Gang house I guess.

I walked out again and made my way to Amadeo. "Did you get the location?" I asked walking into his room and he jumped at the sudden noise almost falling from his chair. "Oh my gosh Lina you scared the shit out of me." He said and turned to his computer. "Almost. Give me a few more minutes. And by the way where did you go earlier?" He asked and I sat on a chair. "To pack my stuff." I said slowly so no one can hear.

"For what? Where are you going?" I heard someone ask and I know that voice from my heart. Grayson. "Amadeo what did she ask you to do?" Grayson asked him and I closed my eyes hoping he doesn't tell Grayson.

"She asked me to find Eliza's adress." He said and I opened my eyes and stared at him with a glare. "Lina. Come with me." Grayson said and grabbed my hand dragging me out of the chair and behind him.

"What the hell are you thinking Lina?" Grayson asked as soon as he pushed me into a room. "I'm trying to find that bitch and cut her into pieces an-" i was interrupted by him talking, "don't you dare think that you're gonna go after her alone Lina. What are you gonna do after you find her? She'll kill you in a heartbeat." He said and I glared at him,"Grayson. I'm not just gonna sit back and wait. I'm gonna go and find that bitch. With or without you."

End of chapter 74.

New Ethan Dolan. Hope ya guys like it. Chapters to that ff will be up soon.

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