Chapter 95

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Lina's P.O.V

"Go, Go grab the bag upstairs." I yelled at Ethan as he stood there in shock. Without saying a word he ran upstairs as everyone else was doing breathing exercise with Hanna. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL BREATHING LIKE THAT?! GET THE FUCKING CAR READY!!!" Hanna yelled angrily and I grabbed Grayson, turning him to me, "Go get the car out of the garage and bring it in the driveway." I said and he nodded.

"Is this the bag?" Ethan said handing me one of Hanna's ordinary Givenchy bag. "Oh my god Ethan, not this one, The baby ba-, Fuck give this to me, i'll fucking to get it myself!" I said angrily walking past him and ran upstairs.

"Oh my God. I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, You kinda cool, AND I HATE EVERYONE ELSE!" I heard Hanna yell and I couldn't help but giggle as I grabbed the bag and started walking downstairs. "LINA I SWEAR TO GOD IM GONNA CUT YOUR THROAT, DON'T FUCKING LAUGH!" Hanna yelled as I ran down the stairs, "I DIDN'T!" I said and accidentally missed one step falling on my butt and rolling on the stairs till i made it down and landed on my back.

"Yeah bitch, keep lying. That's what you get!" Hanna said as I groaned, "The car is ready!" Grayson said and in a blink they all were in the car. "Baby you okay?" Grayson asking and I nodded, "You fell?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, "Nah, just giving the floor a hug." I said getting up and he smirked, "Giving the floor a hug...with your back?" He said raising a brow and I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go!" I said and walked past him, hearing that adorable laugh of his. Can't believe im in love with a handsome man like him, and i'm engaged to him. Soon to be Mrs. Dolan...

(At the hospital)

"Pregnant lady coming through!" Me and Cameron yelled as Hanna was sitting on a wheelchair being pushed by Grayson. Damon and Stefan were holding balloons, Klaus was just standing there behind them, holding the baby bag, and Ethan... "Where's Ethan?" I asked as we stopped.

"That motherfucker left me at a time like this? Ooooh i'm gonna kill him!." Hanna said and then groaned due to pain. "I'm here!" Ethan yelled at the end of the hallway, almost falling after turning around the corner, but then started running towards us.... Holding a bear... A huge teddy bear.

"Baby!" Ethan said falling to his knees and took Hanna's hand, "I'm here okay!" He said and she looked at him, "I wanna go on a roller coaster!" She said and Ethan's jaw fell, all of us looking at each other. "We'll go after you give birth to the baby!" Ethan said sweetly as Hanna crossed her arms. "Ethan I swear if you don't send me to an amusement park right now, i won't give birth!" Hanna said seriously and I sighed. "But Hanna you have to. And you have to go now!" I said and at that time a nurse was waiting for her. She suddenly scream due to the pain and Cameron almost fainted. "I think... I think I'm gonna die!" She said holding her stomach as Klaus put his arms around her, "Baby no, it's okay. Look, you're my little wolf, you're strong okay? You can and will do this later so don't be scared now!" Klaus said and she hugged him.

"Let's go!" Ethan yelled and pushed the teddy bear towards me and grabbed the wheelchair, and ran towards a room after the nurse. "The baby is coming!" Ethan yelled happily before the door closed. "We were like that babe!" Grayson said as he grabbed my waist and dragged me towards him, placing his chin on my shoulder. "And we might be again in the future!" I smiled and he pulled away to kiss me on the cheek before whispering, "I can't wait for Valentine's day baby..." He said and I smiled, "got anything planned?" I asked and he nodded. "I have a surprise for you to babe!" I said and he smiled, before he could say anything, the door opened. "Is anyone strong enough to come in, the husband is not feeling well!" The nurse said and I nodded and smirk before following her inside the room.

Hanna was on the bed, screaming and pushing, reaching for Ethan who was standing on his feet, looking pale as fuck, i mean Edward Cullen pale, "Pussy!" I whispered smirking and pushed Ethan towards Hanna, to hold her hand. "Say something!" I said and he just stood there. I did only one thing i could do. I slapped him. "What was that for?" He asked as Hanna kept screaming and pushing. "To knock some sense into you. Hold her hand. Talk to her!" I said and he did as told. "Baby i'm here. Keep pushing, just keep pushing!" He said and she nodded.

Not too much later she gave birth to the one and only, mini Ethan,

Sean Jacob Dolan.

End of chapter 95.

Valentine's day Special chapters coming for all you single ladies. ❤️

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