Chapter 63

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Grayson's P.O.V

As soon as Lina groaned and the dishes crashed on the floor I got up and ran by her side. "Lina!" I said holding her so she wouldn't fall and hurt herself, but she didn't answer at all, she was too busy holding her stomach and groaning. "Lina!" I said again worriedly and this time she answered. "Gr-Grayson, my water broke!" She said and I looked down to see water everywhere. "Shit!" I said and then turned to Lina. She was groaning in pain and looking at me.

I thought for a second and picked her up bridal style, I opened the front door somehow and walked fast towards the car. I put her inside in the backseats and ran towards the driver's seat. I got inside and called Ethan immediately. "Sup?" He answered after a few rings. "Lina's water broke we're going at the hospital, you come there too." I said starting the car as Lina kept yelling and breathing in and out due to her pain. "WHAT? Her water broke?" He asked and I said yes before he started yelling. "HANNA WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL, LINA'S WATER BROKE, SHE'S GIVING BIRTH!" He yelled and I don't know for sure what she yelled back at him but I'm sure she freaked out. "We'll leaving now! Meet you guys there." He said and hung up.

"Grayson, hurry up!" Lina yelled and when i looked back at her for a second I noticed she was crying. "I'm sorry babygirl this fucking traffic!" I said angrily slamming my hand on the car. Finally after like 10 minutes stuck in traffic and Lina yelling in the back seat, we arrived at the hospital. I parked the car in front of the hospital and then picked Lina up from the back seats.

"Nurse! Nurse! Hurry up. She's pregnant! She's gonna give birth." I yelled when I got inside and I noticed Pati's friend running towards us along with Pati. "We got this!" They said to the other nurses as I put Lina on a wheel chair and we all ran down the hallway. They put Lina in a room and told me to wait outside for a bit.

I sat down on the chairs in front of the room and waited. Soon after waiting for like 2 minutes I noticed Hanna and Ethan running down the hallway. "Grayson! Grayson!" They yelled and everyone turned to look at them. "Shut up!" I said when they got closer to hear me. Everyone was looking at us weirdly.

"Don't yell my name like that, now everyone is gonna know my nam-" I was interrupted by the nurse calling my name. "Grayson!" I glared at Ethan and Hanna one more time before turning around to the nurse. "Yeah?" I asked and she gave me a sweet smile, "Lina's about to give birth, she wants you in there!" She said and I widened my eyes and just froze. "Go!" Hanna said pushing me. "I'm scared." I said looking at Ethan and Hanna completely terrified.

"Don't be a fucking pussy man! She needs you." Ethan said and I took a deep breath, "I should go right?" I asked and took a step forward but still looking at Ethan as he nodded, "i should right?" I asked again and he groaned. "Just go!" He yelled and the nurse along with Hanna started to chuckle. I took a deep breath before opening the door and getting inside the room.

At the moment Lina was calm, no groaning, no yelling, nothing, she was just looking at me with a smile. "Thank you for coming inside baby, I know this is gonna be really scary to you, but at least you're not going through the pain." She said tiredly and I smile putting my forehead on hers, "Hey, i'm here, and soon our prince and princess will be here." I said and she smiled. "We've waited so long for this moment!" She said and I nodded. "And here it is. Just a few more minutes okay. Take deep breaths!" I said and started to take deep breaths and she soon followed because of pain starting again. "Ready Lina and Grayson?"

End of chapter 63.

Guys I'm ready for what's next, are you?

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