Chapter 91

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Lina's P.O.V

After the boys decided to go out and look for people that could lead us to Eliza, me and the girls got into cars and drove all the way to Amadeo's house. Me and the girls had been catching up on stuff that had happened and also get to know each other. 

We pulled up to the house and then got out of the car, making our way inside. It was not long after Grayson entered the house alone. "Where are the guys?" I asked curiously, "They're... still looking around probably." He said and I raised a brow. "Weren't you with them? Why are you back?" I asked and while waiting for Grayson to answer someone entered the house and the front door slammed against the wall as someone made their way to the living room.

"GRAYSON!" Someone yelled and I recognized that voice immediately, Alex. And yeah for sure it was him as he entered the living room. "Where are Mason and Diasy?" Alex asked and I looked from him to Grayson. "How would I know? I was out asking around." He said and i turned to Alex. Something is definitely going on here.

"You weren't asking around Grayson, you were asking her!" Alex yelled making Grayson's eyes widen. Her? Eliza? "Eliza? You met up with her?" I asked, not believing my ears. "No, I-" he started but Alex interrupted. "Don't fucking lie Grayson, I have proof." Alex yelled and then turned to me handing me his phone with the pictures on it. 

As soon as my eyes landed on that picture my heart shattered in pieces, my eyes teared up and completely mad and pissed off i looked up and met Grayson's eyes

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As soon as my eyes landed on that picture my heart shattered in pieces, my eyes teared up and completely mad and pissed off i looked up and met Grayson's eyes. "Baby, look i can explain." He said and I chuckled, "You can explain, huh?" I asked and he nodded. "What is there to fucking explain Grayson, Are you fucking kidding me? This bitch wanted me dead, this same bitch kidnapped my kids and... This is a plan you did with her isn't it... As soon as she came into view your old feelings came back and you didn't know how to get rid of me so you and her decided at least take the kids and kill me!" I yelled feeling completely betrayed. 

"What? No, Lina I would never do that to you. I love you a lot to do anything that will hurt you. She called-" He started and I interrupted him, "Why didn't you tell me she called?" I asked more clamly now, but crossing my arms over my chest waiting for an explanation why my fiance didn't tell me he got a call by his ex girlfriend. Explain.... Let's see what you got Grayson.

"I was obviously going to tell you but she told me to meet her secretly, she didn't want you to find out about it yet." He said and then scratched the back of his neck, something he did when he was nervous. "Find out about what?" I asked, my heart beating fast as I waited for what Grayson was going to tell me. "Eliza doesn't have the kids anymore... Nate took them from her." 

Suddenly my phone in my back pocket started ringing and I looked at the caller ID to see it was an unknown number. I looked up at Grayson before answering the phone and putting it on speaker so he can also hear. "Lina." Someone said and I sighed... "Nate!" I said rolling my eyes and waited for him to say something. "I bet that Eliza has given you guys the news." He said and I looked at Grayson and he was giving me the 'i told you look' making me roll my eyes. 

"Yes... Where are my kids Nate?" I asked while sitting down on the couch. "They're safe with me, Lina. Don't worry." He said and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath so i don't explode on him. "What do you mean don't worry? It's been months since I last saw them." I said and suddenly he hung up.

I stared confusedly at the phone and then looked up at Grayson. "Why did he hang up?" He asked and I shrugged. The phone beeped and i looked down to see that Nate sent me some pictures. "H-he sent pictures." I said and then stared at the pictures. My eyes were tearing up as I looked at them, they've grown so much and I've missed them so damn much. 

By this time everyone was surrounding me, all the girls, Alex and Grayson. Everyone staring at the phone. "Nate, please, please give me my kids." I said crying and he chuckled. "Of course, come outside the house." He said and I looked at Grayson, before I ran outside, everyone following me.

I opened the front door and stopped, I froze as I stared at Nate that was holding both Mason and Daisy. I dropped my phone on the floor and ran towards him, Grayson followed me as we both took Mason and Daisy from his arms. 

"Oh my god, baby." I said crying as I hugged Mason close to my chest. "They're... oh my god." Grayson said and his arm wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me and Mason both on his chest, as we all did a family hug. I kissed Daisy's cheek, and the Mason's and then I looked at Grayson one time before I smashed my lips on his. He kissed back immediately and I felt someone push us away from each other. 

"You can save PDA for later, give me my niece and nephew." Hanna said and she grabbed and hugged them, along with the girls. While they were hugging and kissing my babies I turned around and gave Nate this huge hug. "Thank you so much." I said and he hugged back and then pulled away. "No problem. Grayson, about what I said the other day, how I'm going to take Lina and stuff, it was all so that Eliza could believe me I'm on her side, and I'd get closer to her and take the babies from her. Sorry Man." He said and I raised a brow. 

"It's all good man. Thank you for bringing me my kids back." Grayson said and they did this bro hug thing that all boys do. "But, i have an imporant question, How are you alive?" I asked because i clearly can remember him dying in front of my eyes.

"Klaus. He saved me. He bit me and I was turned into a hybrid." He said and I nodded. "So when Klaus said he had it all figured out, he meant that you were doing something about this." I said and he nodded chuckling. "Yeah.. Well I'm glad I could help. I'll see you around." He said and was about to leave. "No man. Come inside. You ain't going anywhere." Grayson said and grabbed Nate taking him inside. He just laughed and followed behind Grayson.I walked inside and walked over to my babies. I can't believe that my family is whole again. 

End of chapter.

Guys.... We're so close to the end of this ff.... :(

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