Chapter 27

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Grayson's P.O.V

Suddenly the whole world crashed around me, nothing mattered to me anymore. The one and only person I had left except for my brother, and she's gone.

I got up and ran past Pati into the room, one of the nurses was covering her body with a white blanket. (A/N The ones they have at the hospital, don't know what they're called). I walked over to the bed and looked at her, "Leave." I said and she nodded walking out.

I took the white blanket off so I could see her beautiful face again. "Hey there beautiful." I smiled playing with her hair, "The day we met, was not the way I thought I would meet my true love. I didn't think we'd both start of with hating each other, but I think that we went through that, and now that we're okay u decided to leave me."

I grabbed her hand and held it tight. "Seeing u sad was the worst thing i've been through. I couldn't stand not seeing ur beautiful smile or hear ur laugh." I said smiling as a tear fell down my face.

"In my life, u and Ethan were the only thing that matter the most, and without u I can't live. I know I should've said this before not now, I love u Lina... I finally said it." I said smiling as I sighed in relief. "Yeah I fell in love with u, and all this time it was really hard to pretend that I don't love when I'm deeply and madly in love with u."

"And being with u was amazing. If only u knew how much those moments we spent together meant to me." I said as I remembere those little moments. "I wanna say Please don't go away, please, no one's ever stuck with me for so long... I look at you and I'm home because u're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in all these years I was alive." I cried holding on to her hand.

"I don't want that to go away. I don't want to forget my happiness. I need u more than u think, and I'm in love with u, please don't go. Please stay, baby girl. Don't leave me." I cried and kissed her forehead. 

Lina's P

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Lina's P.O.V

I was walking straight this tunnel. A light at the end of the tunnel got bigger as I was walking closer and closer to the end of it.  

"Lina!" A voice said as someone appeared in front of me. I got closer and I realized who it was. "Liam?" I asked smiling and he smiled back at me "Hey baby sis." He said opening his arms wide enough for me.

I ran towards him and pulled him into a giant hug. 


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