Chapter 38

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Grayson's P.O.V

She was in pain and I know what it really feels like. I got up from the floor and grabbed her on my arms as I walked over to the bed and placed her down on the bed.

"Grayson. Grayson please help me. What is going on?" She asked crying and I sighed. "Look, baby. Everything is gonna be okay. I'm here." I said and walked over to the window to see if the boys are coming.  "God Damn it!" I said angrily as she continued to cry.

I walked over to her as she cried. She pulled me into a hug as she cried onto my arms. "Shhh. everything is gonna be okay." I said and all in a sudden she stopped. She stopped crying or moving. I turned my head and looked at her. She was staring at me with red eyes and visible fangs. 

In a blink of an eye she got away from me and the door opened. "Lina, are you okay?" Hanna asked worriedly and Lina glared at her. "Don't you dare talk to me. You bit me. You turned me into this monster I am right now. I hate you." Lina yelled angrily and a tear rolled down Hanna's face. 

"Lina. Baby, calm down." I said trying to calm her down and she shook her head. "Don't call me baby." She said and Damon stepped in front of her. "Lina. Sis. Calm down. Everything is gonna be okay." He said holding her hands and she pushed him away. "Nothing is gonna be okay. Don't you dare  get close to me. Any of you." She said angrily and walked out the room.

"She's gonna go outside. Shit!" I said remembering that she doesn't have anything to protect her from the sun. "No!" Damon yelled and ran after her. I followed him too and he caught her before she could go out. "Let me go." She screamed as Damon was holding her. "Lina. If you go out there you're gonna die." Stefan yelled and she still tried to get away from Damon's arms. 

(I wrote the other half of this chapter listening to "Too Far Moon - Till my heart stops. if u wanna listen?)

"I wanna go to my room." She said and Damon let go of her. She walked up the stairs and slammed her door loudly. I leaned against the wall and slowly fell down on the floor. "This is my fault." Hanna cried.

I covered my face with my hands and ran upstairs to Lina

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I covered my face with my hands and ran upstairs to Lina. I knocked on the door and she yelled for me to leave. I leaned against the door and fell down slowly, my eyes tearing up and soon I started crying. 

Lina's P

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Lina's P.O.V

Why? Why did this have to happen to me? What did I do so wrong? I asked myself as I leaned against the door and fell down slowly as I covered my mouth with my hand. 

What did I do to deserve this

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What did I do to deserve this. I continued to cry till I was just staring at the bed, red puffy eyes, crying silently. The time has been flying so fast, it was almost night, around 8 pm or more. A knock on the door woke me up from my thoughts. "Lina." Grayson's voice was heard from the other side of the door. "Baby. Please open the door." He said, and by the sound of his voice he had been crying. 

"Look, I'm here for you. I will always be here for you." He said, his voice cracking a bit as more tears rolled down my face. "I love you Lina." He said and I started crying again. "I love you too." I whispered, not able to say it out loud, but I know that he heard me. "Open the door and let me in." He whispered, I could feel his saddness, just as he was feeling mine. 

The bond between soulmates, like Hanna told me before."I wanna die, I'm not strong to handle this, I have to give up." I said a bit more loud than whispering. 

"Lina,no, you're strong, you are so much stronger than you think. Don't give up, I know that the beginning is the hardest, but we can go through this together, I'm here for you. You're allowed to scream, and cry and destroy everything you want in the house, but you're not allowed to give up. I'll never let you give up on you, or us." He said and tried opening the door.

"Let me save you, let me be your hero." He said sadly and I got up from the floor. I unlocked the door and opened it. "Baby." He whispered staring at my red puffy eyes. I couldn't take it anymore, I ran into his arms. 

End of chapter 38

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End of chapter 38. 

This chapter might not be that long but it took me 2 hours trying to update and find gifs for the chapter... THANKS FOR 21K. I love u all.... sorry if I let u guys wait and take long to update. :*

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