Chapter 97

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Grayson's P.O.V

I made my way upstairs while holding the tray, my body shaking from excitement. I've been waiting for this day for so long. A day where we sit in peace, enjoy each other's company and our kid's company. But today i decided to do something special for Lina, something she's not waiting at all. I made my way down the hall and towards our room. I opened the door and entered the room quietly. Lina was still asleep and trust me I was not surprised at all, considering she's the heaviest sleeper in the world.

I placed the tray on the bed and leaned  close to her. I had already set up some balloons here and it looks so cute. "Baby!" I whispered slowly shaking her, not wanting to scare her. "Baby!" I said again shaking her again, this time she mumbled something and turned on the other side. I really didn't want to do this but i guess i have to now. Okay one, two, three... "LINA WAKE UP! THERE'S A FIRE!" I yelled on top of my lungs and Lina was out of bed in seconds.

I started laughing as soon as she ran out of the door in panic. "GRAYSON THE KIDS!" I heard her yell and that made me laugh harder. "GRAYSON!" She screamed from downstairs and in seconds she was inside the room, both Mason and Daisy in her arms. "I hate you!" She said and the looked around the room, her anger melting away as her eyes started showing those amazing sparkles, whenever she's happy.

"What did you do?" She asked and i smiled looking at her beautiful face before walking towards her and taking both Mason and Daisy from her arms. "Happy Valentine's Day!" I said smiling and Lina just covered her face with her hands, something she did when she was too happy and way out of words. "After all that had happened i even forgot that Valentine's Day was even close!" She smiled and kissed Mason and Daisy before giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Ew!" I heard Daisy say and me and Lina pulled away. We looked at each other and started laughing. "You're right baby girl. That's ew for you and it means you wont be doing that anytime soon." I said looking at Daisy and she rolled her eyes. She literally rolled her eyes. "Did she roll her eyes at me?" I asked Lina in disbelief and she nodded with a smirk. "Mommy's girl!" She said and grabbed Daisy from my arm and walked over to the bed.

"Thank you so much for this breakfast." Lina smiled at me as we finished eating our breakfast in bed. Along with Daisy and Mason. "You're welcome my baby. Now i want you to open one present i've got for you and i want you to put it on for tonight." I said placing a box on her lap as me, Mason and Daisy waited for her to open it. Mason and Daisy don't really understand what's going on but they're waiting.

She unwrapped the paper and opened the box, her jaw falling down and her eyes widening. "You did not!" She said covering her mouth and looking at me wide eyed. "I sure did." I smiled as my kids looked up at me. "You are my Belle and this is only the beginning. You have showed me love when i lost all the hope and i can never thank you for that. You gave me your love, time and these two beautiful gifts." I smiled and she jumped across the bed and gave me a hug. "Thank you Beast. I love you." She said and pulled away. "Oh the beast loves you too." I said with a smirk and winked at her as she rolled her eyes.

------- Later that day --------

I heard Lina make her way down the stairs and i turned to look at her. My jaw fell to the floor as my eyes went all over her body, taking in every single detail. Her body is to die for. "Damn!" I managed to say when she reached me. I looked down at her as she seductively looked up at me. 

"I think we're skipping dinner. The beast is gonna be released." I said and she started laughing. "We already made the reservation." Lina said and I shook my head, placing a kiss on her neck. "We can just cancel on it. I don't care." I said and smashed my lips onto her. My hands immediately going to her ass, squezzing it, making her moan. I was getting hard right not as I pulled her up, her legs making their way around my waist. Good thing out kids aren't here tonight since Alex offered to take care of them. They would be scared since this night is about to get wild.

I made it to the bedroom and immediately put Lina on the bed, me on top of her, without breaking the kiss. My hands were making their way all over her body, her thighs and then to her ass. I pulled up her top and took of her skirt, she did the same, took of my shirt and jeans throwing them across the room.

"I've missed you!" I said with a smirk as a placed a few kisses on her neck while undoing her bra with one hand. "I've missed you too Beast!" She said and my smirk just got wider. Beast! I kinda like it. "Do you want me to call you Daddy or Beast?" She said before turning us over so that she was on top of me. "Damn baby girl! Call me whatever you want!" I smirked and she leaned down, to whisper in my ear. "Okay, Daddy!" She smirked and placed a few kisses on my neck. On my weak spot. "Lina!" I let out a moan. "Fuck!" She said under her breath and started moving down my body.

Her hands made her way to my boxers and she teasinly pulled them down and threw them away. Her eyes widened and a smirk made its way on her face. "I'll never get used to how big you are." She said and I smirked. Without a warning I turned us around so that i was now on top again.

I placed a few kisses on her neck as i teasingly and slowly enter her. She let out a moan as i started moving in and out. "Grayson!" She moaned digging her nails on my back. By now I was moving faster than ever, Lina's moans could be heard all the way to another country. "I'm close." I moaned and she moaned in response. "Daddy!" She moaned one last time before we both came and I pulled out. "Baby girl." I said tiredly. "Shhh" She said placing her finger on my lips and pulled me close. "Let's go and take it to the shower." She smirked and i smirked back. Hell yeah, time for round two....

Lina's P.O.V

Oh my god!. "Oh my god!" I said and looked at the girls. "What?" the girls yelled. "We need to buy a pregnancy test!" Hanna yelled at the girls and Natalie was already out of the door now. "I'm going!" She yelled and slammed the front door. "I hope you're pregnant!" Cameron smiled and i sighed. "If i am, how do you guys think Grayson's gonna act?" I asked and Hanna rolled her eyes. "Why are you so stressed? You already have two kids together, he's gonna be happy." Hanna said and Cameron nodded.

As soon as Natalie came back the girls made me take the test and it turned out to be, "POSITIVE!" Cameron yelled and happily jumped up and down. "Cameron carefull, you're pregnant!" I said smiling at her craziness. "The baby is gonna fall!" Natalie yelled and we all looked at each other before laughing out loud.

"Congrats!" Hanna said hugging me. "Third baby Dolan on the way." Natalie said excitedly and i chuckled before giving her a hug. "I still can't believe this." I said happily. "How are you gonna tell Grayson?" She asked and i sighed. "tell me about what?" Grayson said from the doorway and i looked wide eyed at Hanna. Cameron secretly gave me the pregnancy test and I turned around. "I'm pregnant!" I said and just like that. I dropped the bomb on him.

"You're kidding!" He said, his eyes tearing up. "You're fucking kidding me! Oh my god!" He said as i smiled. I knew that he would be happy but this happy, not really. "I love you. I love you. I love you!" He said and immediately pulled me in for a hug, spinning me around as i laughed. "I can't believe this. I'm gonna be a dad for the third time now." He said happily, still not being able to believe it. "Yes you are. And i'm gonna be a mommy!" I smiled before grabbing his face and smashing my lips onto his. "I love you!" I smiled and he pulled me close, placing a kiss on my forehead "I love you!"

End of chapter 97.

3 more chapters and we're done... I wanna start a new fanfic over summer so any ideas about who you want it to be? Grayson or Ethan?

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