Chapter 10

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Lina's P.O.V

I stood at the door frozen as I stared at the 5 guys infront of me. So many thought came to my mind. How do they know my name? How do they know about me? Are they vampires? Are they Grayson's friends or someone close to him? Are they gonna kill me?. "to answer all ur questions on ur mind, we know ur name from Grayson and yes we are vampires, no we're not Grayson's friends in fact we're his enemies, and don't worry we won't kill u.... yet." A guy said smirking and for me that was anything I needed to her before I dropped Hanna's bag at the same time as I closed the door and we started running down the stairs. By the time we were at the door one of them showed infront of us. "Going somewhere?" One smirked and we turned around to be faced with another vampire. "Sweetie don't make it harder just come with us." The one that smirked earlier said and I laughed sarcastically "Come with u? Never." I said and pushed him away. "Oh damn fiesty. Boss is gonna love her." He smirked as his eyes stared me up and down. I glared at him and then he grabbed my wrist dragging me with him. "LET ME GO!" I yelled as he pulled me and Hanna towards a black van. I feel so sorry she has to go through this. She only came to visit me and know she's being kidnapped. She was pretty scared and I didn't want to see my best friend more like sister go through this. I gave her a sorry look and she stared at me with teary eyes that broke my god damn heart. That guy pulled us inside the van and two of them went to the front while 3 of them walked to another car. "Hanna. I'm very sorry u have to go through this because of me." I said and pulled her into a hug as she cried. "I'm not scared about myself silly. I'm scared something might happen to u." She said hugging me back tightly. "Still I'm sorry." I said and she gave me a smile. "What are we gonna do now? What is gonna happen?" Hanna asked and I shrugged. "I don't know." I said and turned to her "U're the smart one, u should know." I said and that made her smile a little before we fell into silence as those bloody vampires drove the van.

"Where is ur boyfriend?" The boss asked me as his hand made contact with my face. "I don't have a boyfriend." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Grayson. Ur vampire boyfriend. Where is he?" He asked and I sighed. "I don't fucking know where he is. How would I know when I don't even talk to him?" I asked and another slap went across my cheek, making Hanna scream and my eyes tear up. "SPEAK. WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?" He spat at me before one guy grabbed his arm, "Nash, calm down." The guy said and Nash pushed his arm away "Don't tell me what to do Gilinsky." He said and walked out of the room being followed by Gilinsky guy and the other ones leaving me and Hanna alone in the room, tied up in chairs. "Are u okay?" She asked and I turned to her, "do u want the truth or do u want me to lie?" I asked and she shrugged "Whatever makes u feel better." She said and I shrugged. "I feel horrible to be honest. Look how much things changed ever since that stupid party." I said and she nodded sadly. "I'm very sorry." She said before the door opened and Nash came back to the room. "I waited for so long for u to answer a god damn question. Where is Grayson? Tell me or else I'll shoot her." He said pulling out a gun and aiming it towards Hanna's head. Fear took over her body as she started to shake and stare at me with teary eyes. "No, please. I swear to god I don't know." I cried as I saw that my sister could only be a few seconds before death. "This is getting on my nerves." Nash said as I continued to cry. "I swear to god I haven't seen him since two months ago when I ran away from
him." I said and a girl chuckled, "u ran away from him. Are u blind? He's a sex god." She finished and Jack glared at her "Madison shut up and get out." He said and she rolled her eyes chewing on her gum "Whatever u say babe." She said and left the room. "Thats it. Either u talk or I'll kill her." He said and my eyes widened. "U have 5 seconds." Nash said as my heart started beating faster. "5!" "-I swear I don't know" "4!" "please." "3" god damn it" "2" please don't kill her, kill me instead." "1!" He finished and I closed my eyes shut waiting for the sound of the gun but it never came instead it was his voice. The guy that i've been running away from for 2 months now. "STOP, IM HERE." Grayson said entering the room followed by his brother, Ethan. My eyes met his and my heart started beating faster. What was happening to me? I asked myself as a feeling went over my body when I started at his eyes. They were not his beautiful shade of brown, but they were red, pure blood. "Well well well, looks like the Romeos are here to save their Juliets." Nash laughed sarcastically along with his gang, as he pulled the gun away from Hanna's head. I don't know why but my eyes couldn't look at anything else but him. My face hurt a lot and I think that by now I have a black eye and maybe a broken jaw but when I stared at him everything went away. As if he was anything I needed. As if he was my personal cure.

End of chapter 10.

Woah what?

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