Chapter 24

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Lina's P.O.V

"Damon, Damon what is going on? What are u doing?" I asked as I found him in his room picking up some weapons and carrying them to the basement. "U go to ur room and get some rest, tomorrow we start training." He said and I raised a brow.

"Training? For what?" I asked and he came over to me "To be prepared for everything. There is probably gonna be a huge war and u should be ready. Okay?" He asked and I nodded. "Thats my sis." He said and I smiled.

I walked out the room and bumped into someone. "Hey, u okay?" I heard Grayson ask as I turned around to face him. "Not really." I said sadly and he sighed staring down at me. "What happened now? What are u thinking about?" He asked and my eyes teared up.

"Its my fault Damon's and Stefan's mom got kidnapped. I knew something would go wrong and I shouldn't have come here an-" I cried and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Shhh it's not ur fault about what's going on." He said as I wrapped my arms around his waist, snuggling my head on his chest. "It is." I said and he sighed. "Let's get u to ur room." He said and before I could take a step he picked me up bridal style. In a blink of an eye we made it infront of a room.

He pushed the door with his leg and got us inside. "U know I can walk right." I said with a little smile on my face. He placed me on the bed and chuckled, "Sorry I just wanted to hold u in my arms." He said staring at me and I stared back smiling.

I felt us both leaning in and my heart was beating very fast. I wish I heard his heart if it is beating fast right now. I was sitting on the bed, his arms on either side of my legs as we were leaning in.

"Lin- Wow.... Uhmmm." Hanna said and we moved away from each other. "I can leave u guys alone." Grayson said about to leave but Hanna shook her head, "No No no, stay I just wanted to see if she's okay but I can see she's doing very good." Hanna smirked looking at me and I looked down.

Thank god Grayson's back was facing me because I was blushing like crazy. I then started thinking about the kiss that was about to happen. What was I thinking? Kissing the guy that kidnapped me but also saved me.

I lied down on the bed and put the covers on me. I already had my pyjammas on so I just got to bed. This room is so big and I'm scared. "Hey I'm gonna go now. Goodnight." Grayson said and I turned around grabbing his hand.

He turned around and I slowly let go of his hand, "Please stay. I'm scared." I said and he nodded. "Okay." He said and got under the covers. My back made contact with his chest as he slowly wrapped his arm around my waist and snuggled his head on my neck. I moved away giggling and I heard him chuckle, "someone's ticklish." He said and I turned to face him.

Grayson's P.O.V

As soon as she turned around my hands made contact with her waist and stomach as I tickled her. Her laughter echoed inside the room and also my heart.

Every person that I told to for my feelings for Lina, told me that to make her fall in love with me was to make her laugh but the truth is everytime she laughs I'm the one falling madly and deeply in love with her.

"Stop please." She laughed and I stopped cracking a smile at her beautiful face. "U're an idiot I swear." She giggled and I nodded. I can be ur idiot. :(... "Sorry." I chuckled and she smiled placing her head on my chest. "Thank u." She said as I put my hand around her back, my chin on her head. "For what?" I asked as I grabbed her hand and started playing with it.

"For being here for me. I know we didn't start in good terms but u saved me and were there when I needed u the most." She said and I smiled, "Whenever u need me I'll always be there for u babygirl." I said and kissed her head.


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"Goodnight." She said and I looked up at the ceiling, "Goodnight babygirl." I said back closing my eyes.

End of chapter 24.

Update coming soon. Next chapter will be interesting.

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