Chapter 56

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Lina's P.O.V

I stared down at him with happy tears as he looked up at me with eyes filled with hope. "Yes. A thousand times yes." I smiled and he got up in a blink. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up, spinning me around. I wrapped my arms around him as our laughs echoed in the room.

"Yes. I'm so so happy." He smiled and pulled me down. His face held this pretty smile that man, i can't get enough of. "But under one conditon." I said and he frowned, his eyes filling with worry. "What?" He asked and I smiled. "If you promise me that you will always have that pretty smile on your face." I giggled and he sighed in relief. "God damn Lina don't do this again. You scared me to death." He said and then smiled looking into my eyes.

His forehead was placed on top of mine as we stared at each other. "I love you. You know that right?" He asked and I nodded. The smile not leaving my face since the first step I made inside this house. "And I love you more. You know that right?" I asked him back and he shook his head. "I love you more." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I love you more." I said and this time he rolled his eyes and sighed, "Okay we both love each other a lot." He said and I giggled nodding.

"Now, let me put this ring on your finger." He said and pulled the ring out of the box. He put the ring in my finger slowly and it fit perfectly. I smiled as I stared at it. It looked so pretty in my finger. "Come with me." He said as he grabbed my hand in his and we walked out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked him but he just continued walking down the stairs. We walked downstairs and started walking towards a door. I frowned but still followed him. The door was basically behind the stairs down the hallway. He opened the door and my jaw fell.

"This is your personal room for drawing." He said with a smile and I looked at him shockingly. "How did you know about this?" I asked walking inside the room and looking around. "I had some help from Hanna. She told me you love drawing so I decided that this room should be yours." He said and I smiled. I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I said and he laughed. "You are so cute. You're welcome baby." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. "You basically just make me the happiest girl on this planet." I said and pulled away. "Everything for Mrs.Dolan!" He smiled and I smiled back.

I leaned forward and well got on my tippy toes to kiss those pretty lips of his. He immediately kissed back. We kissed for a few second then pulled away breathing heavily. "Damn. You're lucky this house doesn't have any bed."

End of chapter 56.

Hahah yeahhhh boiiiii😂🔥

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