Chapter 68

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Lina's P.O.V

"Eliza!" I said through gritted teeth, as my hands were into fists to stop me from killing her. "You know? He looks just like his daddy." She said with a smirk as she started at me and my jaw clenched. "Let him down." I said but she shook her head.

"No!" She said as Mason continued to cry on her arms, as his little arms reached out for me to grab him. "What are you doing here, Eliza? What do you want with my baby?" I asked trying to be calm for Mason's sake. "First of all, I want revenge, for you showing up into Grayson's life and taking my place, the place that I was playing to take when I get back from a place you don't need to know about and second of all, not baby, babies. You might wanna say goodbye to your little princess." She said and jumped out of the window, along with Mason on her arms.

"MASON!" I screamed running to the window and then realization hit me. You might wanna say goodbye to your little princess. "Oh no! DAISY!" I yelled and ran into her room. "Lina!" I heard Grayson's footsteps as he ran up the stairs. I entered the room but stopped midd way since I couldn't walk further, as if I was blocked away by this invisible wall. Daisy was crying into this strange Vincent's arms.

"Let my daughter go Vincent!" I screamed as Grayson entered the room. "What the fuck? Let my baby go!" Grayson yelled running towards the man but stopped because of that stupid wall. "Don't try any more, you can't get to me." Vincent said with a smirk that expressed victory for him and I glared at him. "Daisy, mommy's here." I said and looked at her calmly.

"Grayson, Please do something!" I cried and soon Daisy's cries followed. "All Eliza wanted was to get Grayson, and all I wanted was revenge, I guess taking your babies away from you is enough revenge... Or is it?" Vincent smirked and all I wanted to do at the moment was to get through this invisible wall and wipe if of his face.

"No, Vincent no. Let Daisy, down, please!" I pleaded looking at him with my teary eyes but you can't make a heartless man feel bed for you. "So the name's Daisy... She looks just like her mother." He said as he stared at me. "Too bad you won't see her grow up and turn into a beautiful lady." He said and in a blink he jumped out of the window with Daisy in his arms. "NO!" I screamed and my knees gave up on me as I fell on the floor.

I heard screaming coming from downstairs and I looked up at Grayson through my teary eyes. Hanna!... I jumped up and ran down the stairs to see Hanna no where in sight but only a knocked out Ethan. "E?!" Grayson asked and fell on his knees trying to wake his brother up. "Ethan?" He said slapping his cheek to wake him up. Soon his eyes struggled to open but finally opened wide. "Hanna? Where's Hanna?" He asked getting up and I just sat there on the couch crying. Crying for my son and daughter being kidnapped, crying for my best friend being kidnapped, and the worst thing is that I didn't know what was gonna happen to any of them.

"Lina!" I heard Grayson's soft voice which was also filled with a lot of pain and saddness. He sat down next to me as I sobbed out loud. My heart was breaking into pieces. My babies were torn away from me and I felt really powerless right now. "Grayson!" I cried turning to him, his eyebrows furrowed as he gave me this sad look that broke my heart even more. He was hurting and breaking the same way I did.

His strong muscled arms pulled me close to his chest and I just sat there crying with my head on his chest and his chin in mine. The door bursted down and in came a furious Damon, an angry Stefan, and a worried Alex. "What happened?" Asked Damon as his jaw kept clenching ang unclenching as he tried to calm himself down.

"E-ELiza... S-S-she... Took Mason and Daisy." I suttered and then broke down once again as I heard something crash behind me, i was guessing it was the vase I had there and if I wasn't this sad I would be screaming at Damon but right now I also need to smash something. Or smash someone's face.

I noticed Stefan make his way around the couch and stopped in front of me. He sat on the table in front of the couch and looked at me. "Lina!" He called and i couldn't answer I just cried harder. "Lina! Sis, listen to me." Stefan said and took my face in his large hands. "Please someone just find my babies, I can't be away from them... I-I- I can't live without them."

End of chapter 68.

The Drama is Here.

P.S. I'm very happy that you guys like the story.. This story is gonna get so much better and I won't let you guys down! Xx

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