Chapter 40

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Lina's P.O.V

I have been sitting in my room for the past 3 days now, crying, and just staring at the wall, deep in thoughts. I was thinking about what I had done to that girl. How my fangs connected with her neck and how her body fell down after I was done with her, well stopped from being done with her.

"Lina!" I heared Hanna's voice from the other side of the door. I didn't answer, i never answered to anyone who knocked at my door these days. I didn't eat or drink, i just cried and stared at the wall.

"Lina, please open up." She said again, knocking on the door. I took a glance at the door and then stared back at the wall. "Look I'm sorry, you got turned into a... A vampire." She said again and I rolled my eyes.

In a blink of an eye the door flew across the room. I didn't even flinch for a second. "Lina." She whispered slowly as her eyes made contact with mine. I looked away and got up from the bed. "If you're sorry, tell me for what exactly. For biting me and turning me into a vampire or for the next step that I couldn't control what you did to me and I killed that girl?!" I said raising my voice.

"Lina, I didn't mean to do that and you know it, that girl is still aliv-" she was interrupted by Dania joining the room, "She died, half an hour ago." She said and I turned to Hanna and glared at her.

"See... Because of what you did to me, that poor girl had to pay the price... With her death." I said angrily, my red eyes showing, i know that because of my vision that I'm seeing both the girls in the room. "Leave this room, i wanna be alone." I said and Dania left but Hanna didn't. My fangs came out into view as I stared at her.

"Look, can we just talk?" She asked and I shook my head. "No, after turning into a monster I am not up for mundane things anymore." I said punching her and threw her out of my room.

"Lina, we don't have to do this." She said as I was walking towards her, "Yes we do, you didn't have to bite me but you still did it so come on, attack." I said looking down at her, she didn't say anything but I kicked her to the stomach, her body flying down the stairs, landing with a loud thud.

"LINA, STOP!" I heard Ethan yell as I was walking down the stairs. "Baby Girl... Listen to me. Focus on my voice." Grayson talked, making me look at him. "This is not you Lina. Calm down... Breath." He said, slowly walking closer to me, I did what I was told, I breathed in and out.

My fangs were gone, my eyes were turned brown, my anger gone. I looked over to Hanna who was down on the floor, staring at me with a sorry look on her face. "Don't think that this means we're even for what you did to me." I said and turned around to walked upstairs until i was stopped my Alex.

"Lina... You... You didn't look like a vampire." He said and I turned to him, "Well not 100% a vampire, only 50%." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What am I then?" I asked and he didn't answer, but Grayson did. "50% Werewolf." He said and I stared at each one of them. "You're a hybrid."

End of chapter 40.

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