Chapter 3: How it all happened.

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Forks, Washington -

Although Alice couldn't see much in the way of the future anymore what with both Renesmee and Seth almost always being around (Seth was usually always around due to Nessie) she certainly didn't expect to see it coming. But although the Cullen's had put most of their worry of the Volturi making another appearance aside, they always feared that they would be back.

So when Alice screeched out, her little porcelain face a mask of horror, while holding onto Nessie's arm so tightly she nearly broke it – everyone in and around the Cullen household froze.

Edward knew what it meant straight away; after all he was seeing it second hand from Alice.

With his daughter's safety at the fore front of his mind he managed to break out of his frozen stature, and follow his instincts back to Renesmee. Although he moved as fast as he was able it felt like he was a marble statue crumbling apart with every step he took back to his daughter and his sister.

Bella however could not bring herself to move, because she feared if she moved that meant so did time, and time would bring the Volturi closer.

Jasper was at Alice's side before Edward had even crossed the lounge, calming her down as best that he could, and gently prising her hand off Renesmee arm, taking it within his own and gently stroking it as she envisioned what was to come.

Edward had his arms around Renesmee, never taking his eyes off Alice.

Carlisle, Esme and the rest of the Cullen's all gathered around Alice, waiting for her to tell all what she had seen.

Sure enough their nightmares were confirmed as Alice muttered the sentence that they all hoped they would never have to hear again "The Volturi" Alice's voice, for once matched her tiny little figure. "The Volturi, their coming. Here. Tonight" Her eyes seemed to focus on her surroundings again.

"Alice are you sure of this?" Carlisle asked, although he knew that if she had seen it, then it would be happening.

"Yes Carlisle you know im sure!" Alice's voice took on an edge of annoyance.

"I only saw Aro and Marcus that's the weird thing, no guard. Nothing, just them" Her eyes watched Carlisle has he thought over what She had just told him.

"Maybe we should hide Nessie, I mean let Seth take her down to the Rez, he can get Jacob to get the pack to watch out for her. She shouldn't be here, not again, not when they get here" Rosalie franticly ran through plans of why and how they should make sure that Renesmee was safe and away from the house when they came.

"NO" Alice and Renesmee both shouted. "im not going to hide from them, whatever they want im going to be there, this I my home, they are not going to drive me away"

"No, she's right they don't want anything to do with her, they want to speak to you two" Alice's onyx gaze fell on Carlisle and Esme.

"I don't know why, but they don't mean any harm"

"what! You're defending the Volturi now?" Emmet's voice boomed he was clearly very annoyed by this. Jasper had no choice but to calm the situation down, for everyone's sake, he knew that if Emmett got angry then it would upset Esme if he broke anything.

"no im not emmet, im just stating what I know"

The Cullen's planned what was the best option for everyone in the time that they had left until Aro and Marcus were due to arrive, they decided that everyone, other than Carlisle and Esme should leave, until the Volturi were gone.

Seth came to collect Nessie to take her down to the Reservation for the night, and the remaining vampires went off to hunt, so that way Renesmee was safe, and the others would be close by if they were needed.

Esme and Carlisle stood on the back porch of their home, watching and waiting for them to arrive. The night looked different to them both, different than it would to humans at least, instead of everything becoming dark, everything simply changed colours. This was certainly Esme's favourite time of day.

Two hooded figures appeared in the distance growing in size as they neared Dr and Mrs Cullen. Carlisle put his arm around his wife, to steady her from shifting uneasily. This was not the time for them to show weakness.

Aro and Marcus had arrived.

Aro was the first to throw his hood back off his face, he'd changed from the last time they had seen him, maybe less evil – if that was even possible.

"Greetings my friends" he bowed his head slightly to Esme, and then to Carlisle's surprise Aro stepped forward and offered out his hand for Carlisle to shake. The two men locked eyes and briskly shook hands.

Marcus then removed his hood, and followed suit.

"Carlisle my old friend, we did not mean to impose on you. But I have a very urgent business that requires your help" he bowed his head ever so slightly "if you would be so kind as to assist me"

Carlisle squared his shoulders, never breaking eye contact.

"What is your business Aro?"

Aro inched forward slightly.

"After our… misunderstanding some years ago, I felt that I was somewhat in the wrong about your grandchild. And I too felt that I was missing out on a precious opportunity in life."

Esme watched intently, and silently prayed that he was not going to say what she thought he was about to.

"I and Marcus found suitable women, that would mother our children and they agreed to bore us a child."

Like they were running to a script Marcus continued where Aro finished.

"But you see my old friend, we wanted sons. And sons we did not get.

We tried our best to raise the children but they did not age as young Renesmee did and without a mother, it was no use. So we entrusted them into the care of the services of the country. It was not ideal in Italy, so we made sure that the children were taken to England. They have been in the care of the government for the past 17 years and now that they have come of age, they have no one to care for them"

"How does this concern us?" Esme asked them, she was amazed that these two men would even entertain the idea of having children, but the sad thing was that it did not shock her that they abandoned them.

"Ah Mrs Cullen, that is what we would like to explain to you. You and your husband have been very successful in raising your new-borns. And it has come to our attention that our children have not been well behaved. They are frequently in trouble with the authorities and it is deeply upsetting to us."

Both Carlisle and Esme thought that was almost certainly impossible.

"We would like to ask you if you could take care of them. They do not know what they are, and I fear that they may start to become more aware of the effects that blood has on them. And they may start to lose control. We would leave you with enough money for the both of them for quite some time. But we would understand if you did not accept our offer"

Esme was touched that they had come to them, out of all the covens around they chose them to take care of their children.

Carlisle could not bear the thought of the poor girls not know what they were, and struggling to come to terms with everything alone, so without any hesitation, he took them up on their offer.

Details were exchanged and money passed hands. It all felt quite sordid to Esme when there was money involved, almost like they were being sold two half vampire-half human hybrids.

The rest of the Cullen's were informed later that night of the two new possible additions to their family, tempers were frayed emotions were high, and things were broken.

Bella was happy that she would be meeting some other children like her own.

Rosalie was happy at the chance to become a mother figure to one if not both of the girls.

Jasper and Edward were both worried, Alice was excited. And Emmett was just happy to have new members of the family to taunt

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