I woke with a jolt as I nearly fell out of the bed but thank god I hung onto the sheets for dear life, and managed to roll back on. Christ I must have been sleeping on the edge of my bed to nearly roll ou- SHIT this wasn't my bed. These weren't my sheets. Shit shit shit! I didn't go home last night, oh my god! THE FARARI! Oh god I was do dead.
I was still dressed though. That's always a good sign.
I checked my phone that was still in my pocket, I had like 20 missed calls of Carlisle.
I cracked open the bedroom door, and peeked out. I could hear some male voices coming from the kitchen, one was defiantly Jacobs.
Fuck kate! Just do it!
I opened the door all the way and walked out, and towards the voices.
They were all sat around a little table in the kitchen; there was Jacob, Seth and Embry and a man in a wheelchair reading a paper.
Jakes head snapped up and looked at me, then smiled. "Morning babe"
"Um, morning"
I didn't know what my hair looked like or anything, I was just more worried about what faced me when I got home.
The man in the wheelchair looked at me over his paper, I just smiled as politely as I could "hi" I said shyly. Shyly? Really?
"You must be Kate" he smiled a warm smile at me "I've heard all about you. Im Billy Jakes dad"
"Nice to meet you"
Jake stood up and came over to me, wrapping an arm around my waste and kissing me on the cheek. "Do you want something to eat?"
I looked up at his adoring eyes "um, not thanks Jake. I just really think I should go home. I didn't speak to Carlisle last night or anything."
"ahh, yes Dr. Cullen. He did ring to see where you were" Billy stated simply.
I felt sick to my stomach about everything.
"I better get going then. Thanks for letting me stay Billy." I smiled and twisted out of Jacobs hold, and headed for the door.
"hang on babe, I'll come with you!"
"You took bella's car?" I couldn't tell whether he was mad or surprised that I actually did something that wasn't sociably acceptable.
I just looked at him daring him to say something. Because if he was going to do it, he might as well get it over with now, and save himself a trip to Vampire Ville.
"Yea so, she doesn't use it anyway" my voice was cold. I didn't really like taking about her with him.
I pressed the keys and the cars lights flashed in response and I got in. Jacob did to. In silence I might add.
We drove in silence back to the house I couldn't help but be worried about what they would all say. I mean, I was upset last night, and mad. I shouldn't have taken off like I did. And I shouldn't have taken this car. But I did, and it can't be undone now. I had too much respect for Carlisle and Esme to do something like this again. I don't know what I was going to say to them.
Suddenly Jacob laughed from the seat next to me "oh your so cute when you're thinking, d'yknow that?"
"im just running through my funeral plans, y'know for when they kill me when I get back"
"Oh they won't be mad, your quite capable of taking care of yourself. And besides this car needed to be used."
We were outside the house before I knew it.
And Carlisle and Esme were waiting on the door for me. Fuck.
"You know you broke the law right?" Carlisle stated, although there was an edge to his voice. "Twice"
"Yea I know" was all I could mumble.
We were all standing in the living room now, and I mean all. Every fucker and his dog was here. What was this? A public flogging?
"And you took my car!" Bella's voice alone annoyed me. Without me having to look at her.
"Oh you don't use it anyway princess! Get over it"
"that's beside the point. You didn't ask"
"that's beside the point, you didn't ask" I mocked her in a squeaky voice.
"Alright that's enough" Esme scolded.
"You broke two laws last night Catherine"
"My name. Is. Not. Catherine!"
"I don't care, you broke the law. And so did you Emily. I don't expect to come home to find you lying in a pool of your own vomit on my kitchen floor. This behaviour has got to stop. You are a Cullen now and we cannot have you acting like this"
I just stood there staring at her.
"Well! If you don't like the way we behave you shouldn't have come looking for us to live with you. We were quite happy where we were!" Emily shouted.
"Oh you were far from happy my girl. Ive seen the change in you since you came here. And I don't expect a little bit of bad news to result in this kind of behaviour"
my eyes squinted "a bit of bad news? You told us that we- oh I don't even want to go through this again! That wasn't bad news that was life shattering information. You turned my whole life back to front in a matter of minutes" and then I shocked not only myself but everyone in the room with what I said next "But your right, what I – we did last night wasn't acceptable. It won't happen again. Im sorry"
I just couldn't be a brat towards these people, after everything they've done for me.
Carlisle sighed and put his hand on my shoulder "Thank you for apologising." Esme smiled a tight smile "Yes thank you"
"But! We've had a think about what is best for you. And we think that it would be good for you to go to college. You can meet some new friends and have something worthwhile to do at the same time"
"what no way! Im not going to college! I'll work, but im not going to college" Em practically screamed.
"Im sorry, but its decided. You'll start college on Wednesday. You have until then to choose your course or courses. But you will be going."
"No im not!" Emily stormed off up the stairs slamming every door that she passed through on her way.
And it didn't go un-noticed that she didn't apologise either. She was a tough one to crack my Em. And I thought I was the same once, but apparently I thought wrong.
I just looked at Jacob, who had watched this whole display.
I don't want new friends. I miss my old friends. I miss my old life. I miss my flat.
I missed everything.
But I could never go back now. Because I didn't want too, it was like he was an anchor holding me here. I could never go back to the place that I called 'home' because it wasn't home.
I would just have to sort something out with my friends. It was killing me not being able to see them.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.