Chapter 23: Sizzling

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Jacob didn't stay with me last night. He came round but I asked Rosalie to tell him I didn't want to see him. And surprisingly she was more than willing to oblige.

I wish I'd known then how difficult it would have been for me to get to sleep without Jacob alongside me. But I didn't, so I just had to cope.

And I was more than a little unsettled in the morning. But again I got through it, and as soon as Christian met me outside college with Lara and Jen, my day was instantly better.

College went without a hitch, and the assignments were flowing thick and fast.

But it didn't bother me in the slightest; I've always been a fast worker.

Must be the vampire side of me.

Christian gave me instructions that I was to be ready by 8 tonight. And that he would pick me up with the girls.

I was really looking forward to tonight.

So anyway, I Emily Alice and Rose were all in my room, talking and everything while I got ready. Emily was going out tonight with Embry, so Alice was doing her makeup while rose French plated my fringe to the left side of my head. My dark hair was all glossy like silk and was straight for a change tonight.

I had my eyes all dark and Smokey again (really it's hard to break a habit) and I was wearing a black tight strapless dress with electric blue heels.

"Im just gutted that Embry hasn't imprinted on me like Jake did with Kate."

"Oh no, once they imprint on you, they think they own you. Be thankful Em, seriously."

Rosalie snorted in agreement.

Emily just sighed "Well, he likes me anyway, so I guess it's all good in the hood"

We all laughed, then rose announced that my plat was done. Then she patted me on the shoulder "Just be careful tonight ok Kate. If Shawn is going to be there, try to stay out of his way"

"don't worry rose, he can just carry on staying out of mine, like he has done for the past three days"

She smiled "Good"

Christian and the girls arrived just after Embry left with Emily.

And he was being very impatient beeping the horn like a mad man.

So I had to hurry my last check before I left the house.

"Alright Jesus! Im coming!" the girls were in the back, so I slid into the front seat.

"No honey im not Jesus. Im Christian" he giggled. I laughed too.

"Just drive" I faked a glare at him.

Then he turned on the radio and Miley Cyrus started blasting out of the speakers. I thought my ears had started to bleed.

"Miley Cyrus? Really?"

"Hey! She's good ok! I like her" I laughed

"Alright, whatever floats your boat"

when we pulled up outside Christian's friend's house. It was exactly the type of party you would expect to see on some American film. There were kids in the garden, even a sofa, with people sitting on it. And the mess was just un-believable.

Well. I wasn't going to have to clean it up, so who cares. That's not to say that I added to the mess, because the poor girl already had a lot to clean.

The party was in full swing when we arrived, just the way I liked it. So we had a few drinks and got straight down to dancing.

About 3 hours and countless cups of god knows what later everyone was on a high. I and Lara were actually dancing on some table, literally grinding each other (trying to be sexy, but probably failing) to Nicole Scherzinger's new single – Right There.

Once the song finished I felt like another drink. I mean, why not?

I was making my way over to the Bowl of funky coloured liquid when someone called me.

"Kate! Over here, I got you a drink. Come sit with me"

I looked up to find Shawn sitting on some sofa, with one leg on a coffee table.

"Go to hell Shawn"

unfortunately for me he didn't go to hell and I had to walk past him to get my own drink.

"Oh come on Kate. Let's just forget about it ok. I learnt my lesson. And I've apologised to Christian. Just come and sit with me, you don't even have to have a drink"

I just looked at him. He was the total opposite to Jacob. He had blonde hair that was longer than jakes – quite surfy actually. And he was a little tanned (god know where he got it from around here) but there was no denying that he was buff. Not as buff as Jacob, but then again Shawn wasn't a Werewolf.

Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe I was just really a stupid bitch, but when I thought about how Jacob would react to me sitting next to Shawn, I had a familiar thrill, doing something that I wasn't supposed to do.

"Fine" I said as I dropped down on the sofa.

"Awww that's my girl" he tried to put his arm around me but I stopped him there.

"Cut it out Shawn"

He raised his hands in defeat "Alright, alright. I got a drink for you" he gestured to the drink that was on the table next to his.

Did he think I was stupid or something? What drink sizzles? My drink was sizzling!

He thought I was going to fall for that?

"Oh my god! Shawn look! Its Megan fox!" He fell for it, because his head practically swivelled round like the Exorcist and I swapped the drinks.

"Are you tripping or something Kate?" he turned back to me as I was sipping my drink

"Sorry, must have been" I grinned over the top of my glass. "Drink your drink then Shawn, don't leave me hanging"

He grinned and took a big gulp. What a fucking idiot.

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