I frowned. Hunt? They wanted me to hunt? Why though. How was that going to help with anything?
I don't even know how to ride a horse, or work a gun.
I focused in on Jacob "Why do I need to hunt?"
He laughed a little and pulled me closer to him by my shoulders and he kissed my cheek "Not like that Kate. You need to hunt for yourself."
Jaspers hand never left my arm, and I hissed at Jasper without even thinking, Jacob just laughed.
"Sorry Jasper!" I was shocked.
Jacob was still laughing "I think you better let her go, before she kills you dude"
"Very well" and he let me go. The moment his hand left my arm, I couldn't think about anything other than the burning again, and I backed away from Jacob.
I needed to move, I needed to be moving, otherwise I was going to go back in there and-
"JASPER" Carlisle's voice pierced through my internal rant. Jasper grabbed me by my arm again, and I could think clearly.
"This is why I was holdin' your arm Kate" I took a deep breath.
"Right ok, what do you mean by hunting I don't know what to do, and I hope you don't mean go and kill people?"
Carlisle looked like id slapped him "No! Of course we don't! We told you we hunt animals for their blood."
I nearly gagged. It was one thing listening to them tell me how they hunt when I first got here, but it was another thing to actually do it myself.
"And it will make the burning stop?" I was willing to try it if he said yes
"Yes, it will" he smiled a little.
"How does this work then?" I could see Jacob creeping up to me out the corner of my eye.
"Jacob, this really isn't the time to go messing with her" Jasper warned him.
"Im not messing with her!" Jacob growled, he was at my side in the next instant.
"You need to go into the forest Kate, and then you can hunt there" Carlisle answered my question.
"On my own?" I almost shrieked at him.
"Of course not, Jasper, Bella and Jacob will go with you. Jasper and Bella will show you how"
The air was squashed out of my lungs with an 'umf' as Jacob scooped me up bridal style and squashed me against his chest. Jasper had let me go and was heading into the trees with Bella and I could feel the burn creeping up on me again. I was trying to focus on anything other than the pain.
"What are you doing" I choked out as Jacob started running after them.
He looked down at me and gave a cocky grin "what you want to run by yourself? We want to get you there before next week Kate"
I was miffed. "Fine" I sighed and I rested my head against his shoulder as he ran me into the trees. I closed my eyes and tried to focus.
"Babe" he kissed my forehead "we're here now"
I opened my eyes, and we were deep in the forest. He let me down and jasper took hold of my arm again.
"Right, this is how we're going to do it" why did it sound like jasper wasn't a stranger to telling people what to do. "Jacob, you should phase so you can keep track of her with us once she gets started" he tilted his head to the side "just watch she doesn't confuse you with something else and kills you"

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasíaAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.