Chapter 14: Death At A Funeral

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"So, how long have you been in care?" We'd spent hours talking about him and everything and then the rain had started to get worse so we moved in off the porch. And now apparently it was my turn.

We were back in the kitchen, and the tea was back on the scene, Jacob was making it so this would be interesting.

"Mines black with 2 sugars" I tried to avoid the question. I stood next to him leaning on the counter. He just looked at me

"Come on, you can tell me. I know it can't be easy for you. But please?" i sighed he wasn't giving up. I rolled my eyes and answered him "17 years too long"

"It must have been hard for you"

"You learn not to care, Jake."

He looked at me again looking at every part of my face "Don't give me that, I can tell by your face it's upsetting for you."

He moved, and came and stood in front of me, pinning me up against the counter, and he reached above my head and got out the sugar.

The heat from his body was intense and I just locked eyes with him, then I realised what I was doing and looked down away from them.

"Yea, I guess it was hard" I mumbled. He unpinned me and went back to my side.

We spent ages talking, squashed on his little sofa together – well I did – he asked thousands of questions about me. The tea was actually nice too.

He asked everything from where I first lived, to how many peopled id lived with altogether. And how long id been friends with Emily.

And about why I was always in trouble. He didn't judge like so many other people would have when I told him about the amount of times id been in trouble with the Police and the fact that id been on tag.

He even asked me about my past boyfriends! I couldn't believe it. But I answered him anyway.

'Yes I've had a couple. Nothing serious though.'

He started shaking when I mentioned some of their names. It scared me a little bit, and I think he could tell because he stopped instantly and apologised.

I couldn't believe how much time had passed, it was dark outside! The time I'd spent with him had just flown.

"Do you fancy coming back to mine or something?" the thought of being away from him unsettled me for some strange reason. So it was the best thing I could come up with.

"I'd love to Angel, but I have pack duties tonight" he really did look like he wanted to come with me. We were really close together on the tiny sofa, and I just wanted him to lean in a bit more so I could kiss him.

But he didn't.

"Come on, ill drive you home" He grabbed my hand and pulled me up off the sofa. I would never get used to the way his skin felt against mine. He didn't let my hand go as he reached for his keys before we went through the door.

So I thought I'd push my luck and lace my fingers through his. He didn't let go.

He didn't let go as we ran to his car. Well he did let go of my hand so I could get in the car -obviously.

Given half the chance I would have held his hand in the car, but he had to change gears. So it was pointless. He kept looking at me all the time though.

The ride was over all too soon, and we were back outside the house.

"Come on" he got out and waited for me by the end of the car, then he grabbed my hand again, fingers laced and walked me to the door. We just stood there looking at each other it wasn't even awkward.

"I really wish I didn't have to patrol tonight-" he sighed deeply "But I have to pull my weight. Ill ring you tomorrow and we can maybe arrange to meet up tomorrow night?"

he looked so hopeful that I'd say yes, with his cute puppy dog eyes. (ha puppy dog, get it?)

"Yea, that would be great" I smiled up at him, my head kind of reached his chin so it wasn't ridiculous for us to stand like this together.

"Good, I've had a great day today Kate. Thank you" he touched my cheek gently.

"Yea I had a great time too"

Then the leaned in and kissed my cheek. His hot lips felt amazing against my skin; I wanted him to kiss me again. But he didn't. He just ran back to his car shouting over his shoulder.

"Speak to you tomorrow!"

Then he was gone. Ok he it wasn't that quick, but it sure as hell felt like.

I went back inside, shutting the door behind be. I felt like something was missing now that Jacob was gone. It felt weird.

I went up the stairs to the living room – following the voices. I came up the top of the stairs to find; Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Ness and Emily. All sitting on the sofas in the living room with a load of DVD's spread out on the coffee table.

There was no Seth though.

"Kate! Come on we're going to watch a film!" Ness sounded excited about this; I couldn't help but smile.

"Alright" I walked over to them all, and plopped down next to Emily. "No Seth tonight?"

"No, he's got pack duties tonight" oh that explains it.

We ended up watching 'Death At A Funeral' – you know the one with Chris Rock.

It was really good; we all had a great laugh stuffing in all kinds of sweets and junk food (well only me, Emily and Ness stuffed in the junk food) but everyone had a laugh.

Emmett made me laugh the entire time.

And again, I felt like I really fitted in here. 

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