And that's how we carried on, all weekend. Well, until Billy came home.
And needless to say I was feeling a little bit rough every time I moved. Well, wouldn't you?
But anyway! Jacob had brought me breakfast in bed, after our first night together. It was so romantic, expect for the fact I couldn't eat it.
But it got eat, by Jacob instead.
So come Sunday morning when Billy came home from fishing, Jacob had to go out on patrol, and I had to go home so I could eat something.
Jake couldn't drop me home, but Seth was going to see Ness so I got a ride with him.
I burst through the front door, calling for Esme, and ran for the kitchen.
"You don't need to shout Hunny, I can hear you"
"Yea, sorry" I said in a rush. "Can you make me something to eat please, im starving!"
"What. Didn't Jacob feed you?" she laughed.
"Yea, I just couldn't eat anything" I plonked myself down on the stool at the table.
Jasper looked at me over his paper.
"Mornin' Kate" he drawled
"Morning jazz" I smiled.
Then everyone else filed into the kitchen, and sat at the table.
Emily, Embry, Seth, Ness and Bella.
"We've been thinking of baby names" Emily announced looking at me.
"Oh yea?" I raised my eyebrows at her.
"Yep. If it's a boy… I like the name Riley"
Everyone stopped.
Emily looked at them all. "What's wrong with that name?"
"Well, considering it was the name of a vampire that tried to kill Bella. Im not sure it's too popular with everyone" Esme cleared it up.
Tried to kill Bella? Really? AMAZING!
"Oh I really like that name Em!" I smiled widely "Don't let that stop you from naming it Riley. You've always liked that name."
"Yea I have" she looked sideways at Embry, who sighed.
"If you like it hun, Its fine with me"
"Great" I smiled.
"You not hungry anymore?" jasper questioned me as I pushed my breakfast around my plate.
"Im still hungry… I just can't eat it." What the hell was wrong with me? I was starving, yet I couldn't eat anything?
Jasper watched me intensely.
"Leave it, if you don't want it" Esme pulled the plate away from me.
I nearly fell off my stool when I heard a howling noise coming from outside.
"Oh my god! What was that!" I screeched as I threw myself off my stool.
"It's ok" jasper chuckled. "It's just Jacob."
"Jacob? What? Is he hurt?"
"No, he's just calling you"
Jacob was calling me? Then I realised, I was finally going to see him as a wolf.
I practically flew down the stairs and out the back.
I stopped just short of the grass, when I saw what was in front of me. This wasn't a wolf, it was a horse! It was huge. But it was clearly a wolf.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.