Aro’s cold hand wrapped around my arm and he pulled me forcefully out of all 4 of the men’s grips. The instant he tore me away from them; my family, my soul mate and my friends something inside me snapped.
A blinding light filled the room, it wrapped around me so tightly it was almost like it was inside of me but I couldn’t tell whether it was coming from me or trying to get inside me. It was so bright I had to squint my eyes. There was kind of like and exploding sound amongst the chorus of growling and snarling and then the sound of glass shattering and things falling.
Aro was no longer holding onto my arm. Oh dear god what’s happened?
The first thing I thought of was that Jacob had lost control and had done something we all might live to regret. My second thought was much worse, that maybe Aro had done something to Jacob and/or my family.
I felt sick.
Warm arms wrapped around my middle holding me up, I hadn’t realized how suddenly very, very weak I felt. I took in the surroundings as I slumped back against Jacob’s chest, breathing heavily.
The light was still shimmering brightly; it did some kind of dance around the room like it was dancing in a very playful kind of way, bouncing off the walls, the ceiling and the floor, like when the sun shines on the water and beams shoot off in every direction. And then it just fizzled out. I was amazed watching it. It was so utterly and undeniably beautiful - in the most pure form.
I could hear poor Riley’s painful cry shrilling from the back of the room.
Everyone was just standing unmoving in the room amazed just as much as me by the explosion of light. Everyone’s eyes then locked on me. The man that was next to Aro was still in the room. Everyone had been unharmed by the light.
That. I thought. Was a very remarkable thing, considering the exploding noise.
“wh- what happened?” my voice didn’t even sound like mine.
Carlisle came up to me touching my face and my arms checking me over for any signs of injury. “Is she hurt?” Jacobs voice demanded from behind me
“No she’s not” Carlisle looked back at me “Kate” he said firmly “I think you found your gift.”
“What?” I asked like I hadn’t just been told.
“Your gift. You just did that, the instant Aro grabbed you, it was like he triggered something and then that… burst of light surrounded you, then there was an explosion and you sent him flying across the room, you even blew out the glass wall.”
“Oh” was all I could say. I looked to my right and noticed he was right, so then I added “Sorry about the wall and the stuff…”
He chuckled lightly and touched my cheek “Don’t even worry about it.”
I looked back out at Aro lying on the ground surrounded my shards of broken glass, tangled in his cloaks.
“Is he dead?”
I would struggle to feel any emotion if he was, that was for sure.
“If only…” Edward murmured. “You only stunned him, see… he’s getting up” he was right Aro started to lift himself up off the ground but with none of the vampire grace I was used to seeing.
He was like an old man getting up off the floor, although he still looked very much like himself. Just his actions were slowed and dulled. He looked tired.
His eyes met mine as he slowly stood up straight. “Such power” was all he uttered. Then his eyes snapped to the man who was still standing unscathed in the room with us.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.