After a lot of very heavy kissing on the sofa, I found myself lying on Jacobs's bed. He kind of steered me across his room, kissing me constantly and laid me down underneath him. After a while he started to undo the button on my jeans, and I put my hands under his top onto the bare skin of his chest and stomach.
Very gently and very slowly he pulled my top over my head, and took my jeans and the rest of my clothes off.
It felt nice, but weird, weird but nice. I'd never been with a boy this way before.
I felt a bit awkward about Jake seeing my body. Y'know I wasn't the one to go dancing around my bedroom with no clothes on. I know he'd seen me in my underwear plenty of times, but it had taken a while for that to happen.
Jacob kept telling me that I was beautiful and that he was so glad that I was there, and he kept stroking me and caressing me and holding me and kissing me. After a while I completely relaxed.
After a lot more kissing and getting to know each other (if that's what you want to call it) it was obvious that we were heading in a definite direction.
Jacob pulled himself away from me. "God!" a growl escaped from low in his chest "You're amazing, you're driving me crazy, you're so gorgeous."
I sat up a little bit and looked at him as his hands roamed over my body.
He was so stunning. He had one hell of an amazing body! And he had a beautiful face to match. And he was an amazing boyfriend.
What had I done to deserve this?
My eyes travelled down his chest, admiring his muscles and his six pack, then I moved my gaze away from him when my eyes travelled down a bit further.
How do I explain what was happening below Jacobs waist without being… well without being total filth?
It's really hard to talk about sex without either turning it into a porno, or being like a Victorian house wife.
How about I just compare it to a small oak tree?
Isn't that good? Discreet yet symbolic?
Doesn't sound too filthy, but at the same time leaves you in no doubt what so ever that Jacob had a hard-on that could cut diamonds.
Oooops! – oh whatever.
While we're on the subject, I might as well tell you that it was big enough to make me fear for my insides.
And thank god, Jacob didn't have some stupid name for his… Throbbing Man Hood.
So he didn't introduce me to it by saying something stupid like 'Little Jacob likes you' because I swear if he did, I'd probably punch him.
Although, I didn't know if I was quite ready to make friends with his Throbbing Man Hood just yet.
It's not like I'd done this before, and had the slightest clue what the hell I was doing.
Don't get me wrong, I know how to please a man, just not with my body as such, but I had nothing against Jacobs Throbbing Man Hood – apart from my thigh obviously. But I felt nervous.
Right away Jacob sensed it, and caught me by the arm and said urgently "We don't have to do anything Kate, we can just lay here if you want to." Normally men wouldn't say something like that would they? I mean c'mon.
But I believed Jake.
I knew that he meant it.
I trusted him.
I knew that if he said, we could just lay here, he meant it.
But was it what I wanted? Quite frankly, no.
Yes I was nervous, but damn it! I wanted to have sex with him so bad. He was my boyfriend, I was his imprint, and we were soul mates. I wanted to give to him what no one else would ever get.
"I don't want to stop" I whispered. He kissed me deeply.
"What about, y'know" I was really struggling here.
"What do you mean?" he nuzzled my neck. I could tell he was winding me up. "Babe, will you relax? I've got some here"
What was left for me to me embarrassed about? Oh right, yea! – Whether I'd be any good or not - nothing major.
He kissed me again. And things became a lot more serious. I looked at him, and his eyes were almost black with desire.
"Kate" he whispered "I haven't y'know, been with anyone in a while"
Haven't you! Well that was a surprise. I would have thought that for someone as stunning as my Jacob (yea he's mine) everyday would have been a fuckfest.
But then again, I had been on the scene for 4 months. I guess that is a long time in boy time.
"It's ok" I whispered.
"Why are we whispering?" he laughed
"I don't know" I laughed too.
Then he followed the condom ritual, reselling around in a draw, then the crinkling of the paper, and then the battle to get it on right.
Now, this is where I get a little vague, im sorry. But I won't be giving you a play by play of our encounters. Yes note the extra s.
I could describe all the back arching and the gasping, but I don't want to. And it would take away the real genuine amazingness of it all, and how lovely and sweet it really was.
Can I just say that a good time was had by all? And by all I mean us two.
But I will tell you that he kissed me everywhere, and when I say everywhere I mean everywhere. And when he wasn't doing that, he was covering me with delicious little tiny bites.
And I will also tell you about the moment when he was eventually inside me. And how I was terrified that it was really going to hurt, and how gentle he was with me.
It didn't hurt (thank god for the vampire side of me) and it was beautiful.
I'll also tell you that he whispered frantically in my ear while he was on top of me, amazing things, like how beautiful I was, and how delicious my skin tasted, and how turned on he was.
And when I wrapped my legs around him to pull him deeper inside me, I thought I would die if he stopped and die if he didn't.
But I really don't think that you need me to tell you, than when we both finished we were both panting and gasping and slippery with sweat. And he grinned and looked down at me and admiringly said "Jesus Kate, that was amazing"
I'll just say 'One day my Prince will come' and well im glad to tell you that he already had. And so had I for that matter.
After it was all over – for the third time – we just laid in bed, kissing and laughing and talking.
And when I finally fell asleep, practically laying on top of Jake totally naked.
I dreamt about our baby.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.