Chapter 10: Dead to the world.

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Esme came back with food – and lots of it too – and a nice ice cold coke.

God I hadn't realised how hungry I was. And shed gone all out too.

There was everything: cakes, sandwiches, crisps (chips), some fruit everything!

We weren't the only ones who eat. Seth and Nessie joined in too, so I didn't feel like I was on display in a museum.

This must have been the best ham sandwich id ever eaten.

There were other sandwiches too: tuna, egg the lot.

Bella and Edward left after saying goodbye and that they'd see us in the morning.

The others talked amongst themselves while we eat. And I just went through the idea of them being vampires over and over in my mind.

I think Emily was doing the same too, because we didn't talk much despite Seth and Ness trying to talk with us.

I was jet lagged, and I'd just found out that my new family were vampires so I wasn't the best person to try and strike up a conversation with at the moment.

But I did my best, because I really didn't want to be ignorant or rude to them.

After a while of eating (none stop) even Seth gave up and just focused on eating.

I was stuffed, and I was really ready to go to sleep.

As if they could tell, Rosalie jumped right in.

"Come on, we'll show you two to your rooms" Alice wasn't far behind her either.

I could tell you; i got up out (I say out not off because id sunken into it) of the sofa, and we walked up the stairs and give you every little detail but I won't because it's boring.

But we did go upstairs, and up and up. How many floors did this house have?

There were ornaments all over the place (nice ones too, not the tacky kind) and pictures and things. It all looked very expensive.

We passed a big frame on one wall, and it was full of graduation caps.

I didn't even ask.

We finally got to our floor. It was like 3 floors up.

There was the bottom floor, the living room then a kitchen, and then finally our floor.

It was a bit like a town house, expect this was a mansion. A Town Mansion.

"This is your room " Alice danced in front of me, and threw open the door.

I hesitated, but Rosalie pushes me forward.

And oh my god it was stunning, like it was designed specifically for me.

There was lovely feature-wall-paper on one wall, and cream walls all around, with a big double bed in the middle of the room, with the head bored pushed up against the feature wall. Opposite mounted on the other wall was a massive flat screen tv it had to be like 40 inch at least. And next to it on either side were rows and rows of DVD's running from the floor up to the height of the TV.

And on the other wall were rows of books, books that I loved to.

And there was a lovely dressing table to.

The floor was a light shade of laminate flooring, with a big white fluffy rug in the middle.

There was another door in the room, and I couldn't not notice it as Alice ran towards it, and nearly yanked the door off the frame.

"This is your wardrobe" she was serious too.

She opened the door and it was full! Of clothes, clothes that I would wear too! Skinny jeans, nice tops, lots of shoes too, heels flats you name it, it was in there.

And bags, and jewellery but I won't go into all them. Because we'd be here for hours.

"All this is for me?" I had to ask I turned to looked at Rosalie.

"Yes of course it is" she smiled and touched my arm. I couldn't believe it.

I really was so grateful to them all.

She put my suit cases down near my wardrobe.

"We'll take Emily to her room now, and let you get settled."

I hadn't noticed the time, because it was starting to get dark outside.

It must have been about 7 maybe. Yes it was 7:25 I could see the clock on the bedside table.

"Ok, thank you"

Emily bumped me as she walked past and grinned at me over her shoulder.

She obviously shared the feeling that we'd both struck gold.

They all left, shutting the door with a click behind them.

I just stood there looking around at the room – my room – then I kicked off my shoes, and padded over to the bed. Loving the feel of the cool floor on my feet.

You can't beat a cold bedroom.

I practically jumped on the bed – I mean why hold back?

I would love to tell you that I spent ages lying there, thinking about everything that had happened, and how my life had and was about to continue to change. But I didn't so I would be lying.

I'd only laid my head on the pillow for a couple of minutes before I had completely passed out.

Dead to the world.

In house full of vampires? Maybe not such a good phrase.

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