Someone was calling my name, over and over. I swear, im not getting up to go see Emma today. Stupid tag! Wait… tag?
My eyes flew open and I nearly head butted Emily leaning over me.
"Christ girl, watch it." She was looking at me like I was crazy.
"Sorry, forgot where I was" and I really had. (I know you might not believe me) so it wasn't just a dream then, we were really here.
"We're near Port Angeles now" Esme said looking at us then she laughed a little "As soon as we said you should get some sleep, you practically passed out"
"Yea, I know. Im not the kind of person to pass up sleep" (no really, im not)
As soon as I could focus and get my brain running the right way, I was on pins to see this place.
It lived up to the excitement (from me mostly, from what I could gather) it was amazing. A beautiful little town right near the sea. There wasn't a council estate in sight. No graffiti and hardly any rubbish on the floor.
It wasn't… old just more simplistic really, or maybe that's not the right word we'll go with retro for now. Yea that's it, retro.
There were people talking to each other (that's always a good sign) on the sides of the streets and there were trucks towing logs. I didn't think that kind of thing actually happened. It was really lovely.
We didn't stop though; we just drove through slower than usual. Probably so we could look around.
I think I might have looked something like a fish sitting there in the back seat, mouth open eyes wide, looking out the window. I probably looked like a 4 year old. But I really didn't care.
There was no way ever and mean ever that I was ever going back to Peckham, what the hell I wouldn't even go back to London.
This is what I wanted; correction this is was I needed. Somewhere where everyone knew each other, where there were no gang fights and stabbings on a regular basis, somewhere where you could walk down the street and get a smile rather than a scowl.
Carlisle was watching me again, and he was smirking - not in a bad way, coz that's usually what it is when I see people smirking. Smirking at the damage they just did to someone's pride and joy (a car) – this was a good smirk, like he knew what I was thinking.
He probably did, just by looking at my face.
"You like it here?" right on queue!
I leaned forward, holding onto the back of the seat again, I really didn't know how I could describe what I was thinking, so I went with the most basic "Yea, it's really different. I like it" what understatement.
"You two are going to fit in perfectly here" that was Esme. Carlisle glanced at her again, and they both smiles. Im sure there was more to that statement that what met my ears, but whatever. It didn't bother me in the slightest; I could and would fit in happily here.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantastikAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.