The inside of the house was well, well it was huge! and amazing. Did I say amazing? I didn't get much time to look around, because this wasn't even the living room.
I was quickly taken up a flight of stairs (even they were very nice) and then… wow.
This was the living room? And there was me thinking that the entrance room - well I don't know what else to call it – was amazing.
There were plush cream sofas everywhere (and when I ran my hand across one, as I was rushed past by Alice, it turned out to be suede)
Everyone seemed to gather around the living room, some sat and some stood.
There was – wait! They all looked the same age as each other and as me as it goes -
I hope this isn't come child slavery project. Well it wouldn't be child slavery just slavery.
That's got to be worse, right?
"Sit sit!" Alice practically pushed me down onto the sofa. Oh It really was as comfortable as it looked.
I was also really calm for some reason.
Alice sat next to me, smiling with the blonde male sitting next to her. He wasn't smiling though. He was just watching me.
Maybe the air only affects certain people.
Emily then squashed in next to me that made me feel a little bit better.
Then the tall girl blonde and the tall guy with dark curly hair sat on the sofa opposite us.
(The guy didn't really sit he more like sprawled)
The Elvis and John love child was still watching me, and when I looked at him he just smiled.
My bags had been parked at the bottom of another flight of stairs in the living room.
And then Carlisle and Esme re-appeared.
"Right then, we better introduce you to everyone" Esme clearly was the mother of this lot.
"This is Jasper" she pointed to the blonde guy next to me and Alice.
"And that is Rosalie and Emmett" Those were the two sitting opposite us.
Me and Emily just watched, smiled and nodded as she pointed to everyone and introduced us, I mean what else were we meant to do?
She continued – "And you've met Edward. And this is his wife Bella" There was another brunette girl, looking a lot like the other one. Did hair colours come in two in this family?
What was this: Carlisle's Ark?
And Edward was smiling again! He was either very sadistic, or on some kind of crack.
Or there was something going on here.
My guess is the crack, it usually is.
Wait! She said they were married. Well they didn't waste much time did they, they're both what? 18 at the oldest.
Esme carried on oblivious "And this is Renesmee and Seth"
Ok, first off. That was one hell of a name.
"You can call me Nessie, everyone does. If that easier for you"
"Nessie? Like as in the loch Ness monster?" (again I had to hold in my laugh)
"Yea you go it" she giggled a little. Well anyone who can take the piss out of themselves was a good kind of person in my book.
"It's nice to meet you" that was Seth. Nice voice too.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.