Well, where shall I start? Well I better start with telling you that me and Jacob are now married. Yes! I know. I am now Mrs Black.
We got married 2 years after everything.
And I loved every minute of our wedding - which Alice planned. Don’t get me wrong, I had my say. I kept a tight rein on her - well I didn’t want her giving me lilies when I wanted roses.
We went all out, I had a horse drawn carriage the lot I only wanted 2 bridesmaids witch were Emily and Renesmee and I had Riley as a little page boy.
Me and Jacob honeymooned in the Caribbean for 3 weeks after the wedding. And when we came home we found that Esme and Carlisle had given us a house for our wedding present. I know! I was shocked too.
We spent the next 2 years still stuck in our honey moon phase.
Jacobs’s business was taking off, and he was opening shops in Seattle, and everything was perfect.
On the rare occasions that I was not around Jacob, Jasper and everyone were training me on how to control my gift, and use it to my best advantage I had more or less mastered it, and we were working on how I could enhance it, trying to see how many different things I could do with it.
We also heard nothing more from Aro or Marcus.
It probably won’t come as a shock when I tell you that I got pregnant 2 years after our wedding.
I thought that I’d feel like I would if I found I was pregnant when I was 18 but I wasn’t 18 I was 22 and happily married.
So when I found out, all I could think was that me and Jacob were going to have a beautiful baby that we made.
And then sure enough 9 months (its actually 10 I’ll have you know, I don’t know who cheated women out of that extra month) and 14 hours of agonizing labour later, our 7 pound 12 ounce baby girl was born.
Felicity Black.
I’d never before seen Jacob react the way he did when she was born, he was crying (along with me) and he was just totally speechless.
She was our prefect baby girl.
She had dark hair like me and her father and her skin was a perfect mix of both of ours and she had big blue eyes like me.
So 3 years later she was a bouncing little toddler running rings around me and Jacob.
She calls me Mama, which I don’t mind, because it’s not Mum and it’s not Mom.
It’s just me.
And she calls Jacob daddy- of course. And he loves it.
Not long after Fliss turned 3 I found out I was pregnant again – but it wasn’t a happy ending.
I’ll never forget the day that I was sat in the bathroom and calmly called for Jacob.
“Jacob, can you come here please?” were the words I used.
I’ll also never forget the look on his face when he came in and found me nailed to the toilet seat in excruciating pain.
But life isn’t perfect.
Jacob and I then had to tell Fliss that her little brother or sister had gone to live in heaven.
She just sat on my lap looking up at me all wide eyed and then she came out with -
“Is ok Mama, if it can’t be with us, it can be with the angels.” I cried shamelessly into my 3 year olds shoulder.
But we got through it, because we had our little baby girl to focus on.
So when I got pregnant for the third time, not long after Fliss turned 4 and started school. We kept it quiet until we were sure.
But this time everything worked out perfectly.
I went through another 10 months of pregnancy, and then a further 12 hours of labour
(but it still felt like 14) then our 7pound baby boy was born.
Mason Black - the spitting image of Jacob, but with lighter skin.
Jacob cried again, and all he kept saying was “My Boy”
And now my life really is perfect.
But hang on! No one said that having two children both under the age of 5 was easy, but it is damn well worth it.
Oh and, im still waiting for my pet giraffe.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.