As we drove faster again (Glad to see he hadn't lost touch with the throttle) the houses and shops, and people started to grow more and more sparse. But we did see lots of trees. Plenty of Oxygen around here.
It wasn't long only about an hour or so of just looking at lots of trees, until we turned off the main road (high way. hehe! I know these things. Im going to fit in well) and then we were on some sort of lane, leading up to somewhere.
"This is our drive way. We like to be away from the hustle and bustle. And we like our privacy" No kidding? If they call what was going on in Port Angeles hustle and bustle then they might just have a break down in London. And as for the Privacy, well they sure had that. I wouldn't have even noticed that turning off the main road.
It was really nice though, trees lined each side of the road and it looked really peaceful and quiet, kind of tranquil.
Then we saw it, at the same time clearly since our heads both snapped to the side to look at each other wide eyed (again). They clearly weren't done surprising us.
The house, (if you could even call it that, it was more like a mansion!) was amazing, in fact amazing doesn't cover it. It was quite literally out of this world.
"This is our home – yours too now of course" Esme beamed at us. Carlisle smiled at us in the mirror.
"Its… it's um… it's amazing! I've never seen a house like that before!"
"Yea me neither" Em was just staring straight ahead.
"Well, it's your house now too"
I think I managed to peel my eyes away from the view in front of me, to give Esme an appreciative look. Then I don't think my brain even saw it coming, I reached out and touched her on the arm. "Thank you, really. For everything"
She just smiled at patted my hand, it was very motherly. And it made me want to cry (again)
We slowed down considerably so I knew we were close to the house, then we completely stopped. And when I looked away from Esme I realised we were actually outside the house.
And it was even more amazing close up. Glass walls, glass doors. Everything was glass.
I loved it. There were lights shining up out of the ground from somewhere and bouncing off the wood panelling that was dotted around to split up the glass, and it was stunning.
Very well designed.
Carlisle got out of the car first, followed by Esme. Then my door was opened for me, and I just sat there looking up at Carlisle. He actually opened the door for me? Well the least I could do was get out. And so I did, naturally.
Then there was a noise from the house, and the door opened, and out filed a load of people. Stunning people at that, there were tons of them. Ok not tons, just lots.
Ok maybe not lots (I was in shock ok) more like 8.
They were all quite pale, apart from one who was very tanned, and he was stunning too.
Big tall, muscley with dark hair. To sum it up he was yummy.
Then he out his arm round a girl with curly brown hair. And I lost interest. (Not all interest. Just enough for me to look at other people)
Carlisle put his arm around my shoulders and walked me forward towards everyone.
"This is my family" wow, was all I could think.
"Everyone, this is Catherine –"
"No, call me Kate" Carlisle looked down at me and smiled
"Oh yes, of course. Everyone this is Kate, and that's Emily" he turned so they would follow his gaze towards Esme and Em.
Then a short girl with black hair literally ran towards me, she grabbed me and hugged me.
Didn't see that one coming, I don't think I've ever been hugged, or hugged anyone in a very long time that wasn't Emily.
But I couldn't help but hug her back.
"Im Alice, and we're going to be very good friends."
What she could see the future now?
She finally let me go, but she didn't leave my side.
Then a tall, brown haired man came forward. I nearly laughed out loud, he had a quiff! An actual quiff! It was like John Travolta (while he was still in character as Danny from grease) and Evils had had a baby. And then that baby had got caught in a wind tunnel.
He stopped walking, at exactly the same time that I thought of that. Then he even frowned! He frowned. Oh god, please do not tell me they have some sort of mind reader living with them.
Oh crap. Then he smiled! Like he really was listening to my thoughts!
Then he carried on coming towards me.
"Hi, my names Edward. It's nice to have you in the family." That was all he said, then he went back to the others.
None of them actually looked like Carlisle or Esme. Well maybe the two blondes did look like him a bit. Not a lot. But a bit.
"Ok let's go inside, and we can all get to know each other some more. We don't want to be standing outside all night" Carlisle let go of me, and then Alice threaded her arm through mine. That was a new one.
Then she pulled me forwards.
"I – I have to get my bags first"
"No! Nonsense, the boys can get your bags for you, come on. We have lots to talk about!"
She smiled at me again, and continued to drag me forward.
I looked back over my shoulder at Emily. She looked quite happy for once, following behind us next to Esme.
So let's get this straight, someone else was going to carry my bags for me, and we were all going to spend time talking with each other. In a house that was amazing, and was also mine.
Is this what family's did? Because most of the people ive ever stayed with have made it very clear that it's their house, and im just staying with them and they certainly didn't carry my bags (and I can tell, right about now I don't know why they got so eat up about. It wasn't anything like this house. So I really couldn't care less if I was meant to have thought of it as my own house or not)
I couldn't make my mind up what I felt like by this point; I was happy, grateful, nervous, scared. But I was happy. For once.
And then we walked into the house, and it's a good thing Alice was holding onto me. Because I nearly fall backwards.
It was even better than the outside (if that's even possible)

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.