I woke up to the sound of someone banging the hell out of our front door, I looked at the time on my clock it was something past 8 I mean Jesus, who gets up this early!
I staggered out of bed, and across the living room, and id totally forgot about the fact that them pair had called last night, and I was momentarily shocked into thinking our flat had been robbed (but then it was ok, coz' I remembered we were all moving to US of A. Yipeeee)
I ripped open the front door and squinted at the culprit. Oh they were back again (I must phone that mental home when I get a chance and remind them to lock the doors) - and holy crap! They were with Emma my probation officer.
I couldn't even think of what to say, Emma being Emma just walked on in, the models followed her lead.
"Look, Catherine. I haven't got long. Doctor and Mrs Cullen have explained to me your plans, and that you're going to be moving with them. So give me your leg, and I can take that tag off for you, and be on my way"
She didn't even wait for me to lift my leg up, she practically pushed me down into the arm chair, yanked my leg out of its socket, clicked something a few times, and POP off came that effin tag!
"Good luck with everything Kate, and I would say that I hope to see you again soon. But I really hope I don't. stay out of trouble" Her bony hand dug into my shoulder in something that it think was meant to be a kind gesture, and she stormed out of the flat, slamming the door behind her, cat flap flapping and everything.
I looked up at Carlisle and Esme, wide eyed. For a moment they looked like they really wanted to hug me or something and for a moment I wanted to ask them what to do now.
But then I realized this was a joke. I'd be back on tag by this evening, when the prank was over.
Esme looked at our bags by the kitchen table and smiled.
"So I see your all packed and ready to go. We best be on our way if we're going to catch out flight" she started over to the bags when I jumped up.
"What! I can't go with you, I haven't even got a visa to live there, and you need money to get those kinds of things. Money we don't have and time. This sort of stuff takes time!"
Em was sitting on the back of the sofa watching, her hair sticking out in all directions, clearly enjoying the little shared.
"Don't panic" The doctor touched my shoulder OH MY GOD his hand was freezing, I almost jumped out of my skin, but I didn't (you learn never to show what you're feeling around here) "We've got everything under hand." He smiled again, really the phrase 'Million dollar smile' never fitted in as perfectly as it did right about now.
We had enough time, to shower dress and get ready before they were rushing us out of the flat.
It was the fastest id ever gotten ready in my life. I didn't even have time to wash my hair that was still loosely curled from last night. Honestly talk about feeling like a scruff.
We were rushed out of the flat, and down the stair well, I didn't even get a chance to glance back at our lonely little flat. (Right about now, I bet your thinking that I was starting to fall for all this, and the truth is I had actually started to believe they were telling the truth. But of course I didn't tell them that)
The black shark (yes I mean the Mercedes) was parked near the entrance to out block, and we were piled into that car quickly too.
Me and Emily shoved in the back (but I can hardly say shoved, there was plenty of space for a baby elephant) and Mr and Mrs Looney got in the front.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.