With me spending so much time down Jacob’s it would be an understatement to say that I was surprised when I got home to find 2 strangers in the house.
“I’ve got to go to work” Jacob mumbled against my lips, but he wasn’t making any attempt to move. I was still pressed firmly up against the kitchen counter.
“No stay with me, you’re the boss of that place Jake” I fluttered my eyelashes at him. He groaned and pressed his face into my neck, kissing it gently.
“I know I am, but I don’t like to take advantage of them, I need to pull my weight too” I sighed heavily. “Fine” I mumbled and turned around to finish off making my breakfast.
“Hey now” he brushed my hair over to one side and leaned his chin on my shoulder “don’t be in a mood with me” he nibbled on my ear lobe.
“Im not in a mood with you, im just making my breakfast” I casually buttered my toast.
“What if I come home early?” I could hear the grin in his voice
“Meh, stay till’ you finish if you want” I hid my grin by biting into my toast.
“Oh now im really going to finish early just to annoy you” I giggled as he nibbled on my neck. “Right, im going!” he kissed me on my cheek, then grabbed his car keys and his phone and shot out the front door.
I spent the rest of the day shopping for Riley; really it’s amazing to shop for baby’s there’s so many cute things. I bought him all little clothes that he can grow into, bibs and cute little shoes. Hats and little fluffy coats and teddy’s and toys, you name it and I probably bought it – not that he already didn’t have all of this stuff, but I wanted to buy some more.
I even bought him a little wolf teddy.
Carlisle and Esme had given me a car – a black Ferrari California. I was stunned completely but I didn’t even get to have the first drive, because Jacob was in it before I could even utter a thank you. He was revving and inspecting the engine, smoothing the paint work and just down right dribbling over it. But I refused to let him drive it around when I needed it, so he just had to user his car. His faithful rabbit was parked just outside the garage next to the house, because Carlisle and Edward had given Jacob a Continental GT Bentley.
The first week after he got it, im sure he spent more time with the car than me.
So the boot of my car was loaded up with things for Riley and the odd few things for me and of course Jacob because I love shopping for him.
The door of the garage opened and I drove in smoothly parking my car in the space that was now made for me. I climbed out popping the boot open and grabbing all of the baby’s things.
I came through the door that lead from the garaged to the back of the entrance room, and put all of the bags on the table. Dug my phone out of my pocket and noticed all the texts and missed calls id had off Jacob. I’d forgotten to take my phone off silent from last night.
I put my phone on the table with the bags.
“People! Im home!” I shouted and started down the long corridor that leads to the front of the house.
“You never guess what this woman said to me while I was out shopping for the baby! She came right up to me and was like ‘Oh my god! Are you pregnant?’ then started squeaking and turning purple. So I was like ‘Do I look pregnant!?”
I came to the end of the corridor and swung round on the banister and put one foot on the stairs when I noticed everyone and I mean – everyone, standing like statues in the entrance room.
Even Jacob was there – I thought he had work?
All the women of my family were at the back, and Emily and Riley were at the very back with Embry on one side of her and Esme on the other. Renesmee wasn’t far in front of Emily.
The men were at the very front, kind of like the front line.
“Who died guys?” I laughed.
Then I noticed Death itself was standing in the room, dressed head to toe in black cloaks – cloaks really? What was this Hogwarts?

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.