Chapter 12: Angel

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The front door slammed downstairs, and I nearly choked on my pancakes and fell off the stool at the same time. (But I didn't, coz im stealthy!)
My nerves are on edge being around all these Vampires.
"That'll be Jacob" Bella had an edge to her voice that I quite couldn't make out.
So I was finally going to meet this Mysterious Jacob.
"Who's Jacob?" Come, on I had to ask.
"Jacob Black is my best friend." Message to self: never upset this Jacob or I would get munched on by Bella.
"And he's my Alpha" My eyes snapped up at Seth.
"So you had the green light on me knowing all about you then?" Seth looked a bit guilty.
"Not exactly"
"Right" I just carried on eating.

God I could actually smell this Jacob coming up the stairs, it did funny things to my blood pressure.
My heart was beating faster and faster and I didn't know why. Maybe it was the thought of him being a werewolf.
I decided I better stop eating, just encase it turned fatal, and I did end up choking.
A tall, dark hair boy walked into the kitchen at the same time my heart stopped.
He was even more good looking then Seth.
He had dark eyes, almost black but not quite. And his muscles were practically tearing his shirt apart.
"So did the girls get her-" he stopped dead. And just looked at me.
I couldn't help but swallow hard. My heart was threatening to beat out of my chest, and I was on the verge of having a stroke my blood pressure was so high.

He was just standing there in the middle of the door way, staring at me. With I think a similar expression to me. We practically mirrored each other. I mean, not in our looks obviously but in our facial expression.
We both had our mouths open, our eyes wide and we weren't moving.
I managed to close my mouth and swallow, but I still didn't speak.
"Jacob, this is Kate" Seth said between laughs. He walked over to him and punched him playfully in the arm "dude you're staring at her" that kind of snapped him out of whatever trance he was in.
"Sorry" he smiled, it was the smile of a bad boy. But it was also a very nice smile. His white teeth practically gleamed against his tanned skin.
"Im Jacob, call me Jake" he walked towards me and held out his hand.
"Im Catherine, call me Kate" I mimicked him, and reached out and shook his hand, I think I might have gasped out loud, because when he touched me it sent a bolt of… of… Something through me. And I never wanted to let go.
But I did because im not a freak.
I just sent him one of my best 'im all sweet an innocent' smiles.
He sat down on the stool next to me, and even though it was a normal distance away, he was nearly sitting on my lap. (And I didn't mind that one bit)
Seth just had a smirk on his face, and sat down next to Ness.
"So" Jacob's voice came from beside me, low and husky. It made my womb squeeze.
"Are you enjoying forks?" he looked at me and grinned.
"Well, I only got here yesterday. And I haven't been out as of yet. But what I've seen so far, its nice yea"
"glad to hear your enjoying your new home"
"yea" was all I could say back.
"Right! I'll leave you lot to get to know each other better" Bella smiled and dashed out of the kitchen.
We all sat there in kind of an awkward silence until Renesmee decided to break it.
"We should show Kate around forks today, and Emily if she wants to come"
"No!" Jacob practically shouted. "No, I mean. I'd like to show Kate round Forks and La Push today" He looked at me again "if you wanted to, that is. And you two can take Emily out and about"
I just looked at him and smiled a little (hopefully hiding the joy that I felt) "Yea, ok. I don't have anything planned."
"Good" He smiled again, and nudged me with his arm. "We have lots to talk about"
"Im sure we do" that was my best come back? What the hell was happening to me. In the last 5 minutes Id turned into… into well a girl. I mean im not a tom boy, I love dresses and heels and makeup and everything else girly, but I've never felt like this towards a boy.
No boy has ever made me feel like this. But I liked it. A lot.


Bloodsuckers, they're not satisfied with the bunch of them they already have. They have to go and get more. I slammed the door of my rabbit and then I mentally apologised to it.
This was going to be a night mare. Emmett had already slipped up and blurted out about the pack.
So now I have to decide whether or not they should know about us. Well it was more of when they should know about us, since they already knew.
I sulked up the steps to the Cullen's place – wincing at the memories that always came flooding back to me.
I mean I was over Bella now, about 4 years over her actually. But the memories were still bad enough.
I slammed the front door shut behind me as the stink took over. I managed to hold in an involuntary growl. And stormed up the stairs to the kitchen.

I was just about to ask if the girls had turned up yet when my life changed forever.
There sitting at the kitchen table was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.
Her hair was black and glossy, and stunningly fixed into a messy bun.
She had pale skin, but not freaky pale, the kind that would tan beautifully if she was in the sun.
My angel and freaky weren't even in the same universe.
She had big blue eyes, with long dark lashes, God what I would give to see them flutter. I couldn't help my eyes traveling down; she had a lovely pair of tits, big but not too big.
And she was slim. And quite tall from what I could see from her lovely long legs.
In short, she was an angel.
When she looked up at me and my eyes met hers. It was like the whole universe tilted. And everything became clear. She was the centre of my world. I couldn't help the pull that I felt towards her; I wanted to be near her, touch her. And the thought of anyone touching her apart from me, made me want to kill.
I'd just imprinted on her.

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