Like I said drinking on a 9 hour flight and then promptly falling asleep was not the best thing I could have done.
What I really should have done was stay awake, read a book or maybe even talk to Esme and Carlisle. But that would be too simple wouldn't it?
So now im wide awake with a splitting headache and a mouth like sand paper.
I really should have seen that one coming. Ok let's be fair I didn't pass out right away, I did manage to get some civilized convocation going on between us all. And it was a really nice one too.
It turns out, even though we're all flying to Seattle, they actually live in Forks. And that's about another 3 hours added onto our journey. (Yay)
We landed in Seattle Tacoma International Airport (yea I read the information) at about 7'oclock in the evening our time (London time) and it turns out that they're not ahead of us in time difference they're behind! I really did want to cry when I found this out.
So now I've hoped back in time 8 hours. And it's no 11o'clock in the morning again.
I really don't think im going to make it past 6 tonight.
And to make things worse Carlisle and Esme don't even look like they've just been traveling for 9 hours (ok im going to lay off the times and hours now, before I fry your brain as well as my own. Im still confused) so anyway, we all clambered off the plane, and I really was a lot calmer, I don't know why that is mind you.
Maybe it's the thought of leaving myself behind at the check-in in Heathrow, and boarding the plane a new person.
I really wish that was true. I could imagine it now: a dark haired girl standing lost at the check in, with nothing but fury at everything and everyone to keep her company. Wondering where the rest of her emotion friend's y'know the ones - that one called happy, and calm and all the rest of them - have gone.
Well HA, I have them here with me. And fury and jealously can just stay right where they are in London.
Oh boy I really hope that's true. Because for once in my life, I feel some hope. Out of all the times me and Emily have moved around with different people promising us different things. This is the one time where I really actually (I think) trust them, and believe what they say.
So back to getting off the plane, well we all marched off in a orderly fashion, and were greeted by lovely people with charming accents as we strolled up the tunnel that leads from the plane.
And if you think Heathrow was bad, well then this was a whole different league of airports.
Me and Emily were just getting ready to run to the baggage caracal and wait like mad maniacs for our suitcases to come out, watching everyone with a suspicious glare, daring them to touch our suitcases when Carlisle and Esme pulled me and em aside and said that we wouldn't be needing to wait for our bags, because they would be delivered to our car.
Our car (again I wanted to cry)
So we walked out to the car park (or should I say parking lot) better get used to the name changes since we're living here now.
God I could say that over and over in my mind, we were living in America. We had moved to America. Over and over I churned it around my mind. I nearly laughed out loud a couple of times, it just wasn't real!
Before I knew it we were sitting in another plush car, this was… I think another Mercedes.
It certainly felt like one. And this time the windows weren't tinted either, so I could sit back and actually see where we were driving.
I caught Esme and Carlisle glancing at each other and sharing a little smile, maybe they picked up on the mood changes around them, who knew. But I really didn't care, for once in my life, I was quite happy just to let someone else take care of me.
I looked and Emily and she was grinning at me - actually grinning! -
"Its just like sex in the city!" Oh god, trust Em to come out with something like that.
I couldn't help but laugh, even Carlisle and Esme laughed too.
We were on the road in no time, and the speed limit didn't seem to apply to Carlisle yet again. This time though, I did sit back and relax, and when Esme turned round to smile at us, I smiled back, even Emily smiled back. Long and short of it all we were all smiling.
Maybe it was something in the air out here. I caught Carlisle looking at us with those eyes of his… like smouldering gold in a furnace. He really did have lovely eyes, and Esme did come to that.
As we drove further and further out of Seattle, it was looking more and more less like a city, and more and more like a forest.
"Em, I can't see much in the way of cities. Just a lot of trees"
Emily just looked at me stupid. Clearly she wasn't fussed on whether or not there was actually a city about, just the fact that we were in America was good enough for her.
I should have known. I grinned at my thoughts and continued to watch the flashes of green blur into one.
"You know" Carlisle started "where we live – and where you live now, is right on the edge of the Olympic Rain Forest, that's why there's so many trees around"
"Right, but there is like… a town or something nearby isn't there?" Emily was looking more worried about the fact - of living somewhere without a shopping centre of some sorts - than being in a car with two possible vampires. Good old Emily.
"You girls should catch up on some sleep, while we drive home, just a little though. We'll wake you up when we're near Port Angeles, so you can have a look around and get you baring's. "
I had no idea where Port Angeles was, or that there was such a place until this minute.
But taking up the opportunity to catch some Zzz's before we actually got there and had to stay awake, was too good to pass up.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantastikAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.