Chapter 29: You'll be next

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"I think this is far enough now?" Leah had practically walked me half way up the beach.

I turned around back to the camp fire, and I could just about make everyone out.

"Not far enough, but it will do" All the niceness had gone now. I squinted my eyes at her.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I put my hands on my hips.

"You and Jacob. That's what" she moved towards me a little. "Im gonna' get right to the point. If you're gonna' mess him about and then run off with some leech that you have lined up on the side lines. Then you better start running now."

I couldn't pretend that I was offended by her calling vampire's leeches because I really wasn't.

"And what makes you think that I would do that?" I shot at her.

She seemed to pause for a second and then "Every girl who gets with Jacob does it"

"Every girl?" I repeated "How many girlfriends has he had?"

"Not many" she admitted "After… her he kind of refused to let any girl get near him. He turned into a 'fuck em and chuck em' jerk. He loved to have control over them."

I was shocked. My Jacob was like that?

"And who was this girl who made him like that?" as if I needed to ask. But it's always nice to hear it out loud.

"Bella" she practically spat the word.

I heard someone hiss then. I looked at Leah who was just looking at me. Oh my god it was me who hissed! What the fuck? Hissing now Kate? Seriously? 

"I knew it."

Leah looked a little shocked "You don't like Bella?"

"Of course I don't like her! I've heard all about the way she treated Jacob. And I'd quite happily rip her throat out for it."

Leah smiled at me "Join the club"

"Yea, don't worry. I have no intension of hurting Jacob."

"I can see that now. Sorry if I came off too strong, it's just being inside each other's heads for so long – I really couldn't watch him go through that all again"

"You can hear each other's thoughts?" Christ. 

"Yea, but only when we phase. Anyway come on, let's get back!"

When we finally got back to the camp fire all the girls were huddled together talking - including Emily (my Emily) – me and Leah joined them, and I squashed in next to Emily.

"I think it's so cute that you and Embry are having a baby! Embry's gonna' be a daddy!" Kim gushed rubbing her swollen stomach.

"Yea I couldn't believe it either. I thought he would freak out when I told him – well freak out more than he did" Em laughed a little.

"Embry's going to make a great father, you just watch" Sam's Emily joined in. "You couldn't ask for a better father for your children, they probably are the most protective men on earth" we all laughed.

"Do you know what you're having Kim?" I asked

"Well a baby hopefully" she laughed "Yea we couldn't wait to find out, it's a girl" she beamed.

"Awww that's cute!"

Jacob and the guys were not too far away, just enough so they were out of ear shot, so we could talk girl stuff. I caught Jacob looking at me a couple of times; it was really sexy the way he kept looking at me.

"You and Kate are going to be next…" the convocation had carried on while I got lost in my Jacob daze. I tuned back into the convocation just in time it seems, Kim was talking about me?

"Yea I bet you will" Emily smiled a motherly smile.

"Maybe we will" Rachel smirked a little.

"Maybe we will what?" I didn't know what they were talking about.

"You and Rachel! You'll be the next ones to be having a little baby!"

I was just speechless, but not for long. I let out one of those hysterical laughs - when you really can't believe that something was just said – "Oh no, no NO! I don't think so" I was still laughing "No baby's for me, thank you very much!"

Everyone just looked shocked. Apart from my Emily, who was laughing with me.

"Well… im sure you'll change your mind" Kim said.

"No, im sure I won't" I laughed out.

I wish I'd noticed sooner that the guys had all gathered round us, waiting to take their; wives/girlfriends/mothers of their baby's to come - home.

Everyone left. Kim needed a little help from Jared to get up, and Embry snuck Em off with his arm firmly around her.

Jacob was just standing there, looking down at me.

"Im going home" was all he said to me.

I stood up, brushing some of the sand off me. "You're not coming back home with me?"

"No, my father's gone on a fishing trip with Charlie. So I've got the house to myself." his voice was sharp and snippy. What the hell was going on?

He started walking away from me.

"Umm, shall I go home then?" he stopped, but he didn't turn around.

"No" and then he kept walking.

I couldn't believe I actually followed him, what the hell had gotten into me?

He'd started the engine before I'd even got in the car.

"Is something wrong?" I asked quietly.

He didn't answer me, or speak to me the whole way home.

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