"Get up!" Alice came bounding into my room.
"No" I groaned and rolled over, in my empty bed.
"Yes! Its 3 in the afternoon Kate!"
Ok let me explain. Me and Jacob had a late night last night, he's been working a lot lately so I haven't had been able to see him in the day. So I've been going round to his garage and sitting there watching him work on some cars, and by the time he's finished with them it's usually been around 9 in the evening. And then he insists that he takes me out, even though I'd be happy just for him to come home; eat, bath and then let me run my finger over his face until he falls asleep. But no, he has to take me out. So by the time we get to the cinema and watch the film, then he usually makes me go for something to eat – well he eats, I watch. And then we usually go for a walk along the beach or something, and then we come home and have some us time in bed. It's really late.
But then he has to get up for work and im still dead to the world. And it makes me feel bad.
And then the other reason for me sleeping till 3 is well – I like to sleep, and im 18.
"Kate, get up! The party starts at 7!" Oh yea. And tonight is Halloween. And Alice is throwing a party.
I managed to drag myself out of bed, and then sit around for a while watching True Blood with Emmett.
And then Alice ruined it, and made me start getting ready.
I was dressing up as Snow White, with my own personal touch of course. It was more of a fancy dress party rather than a Halloween party.
And only the women in this family were dressing up well all of us expect for Esme.
And Jacob refused point blank to dress up, even when I was sitting on him in bed bouncing up and down saying "I can be little red riding hood. And you can be the big bad wolf" but no he wouldn't have it. Although he said we could play that game whenever, just not in public.
He's a cheeky one.
And he's in work today, so he's coming straight over after he finishes. And I can't wait for him to see me in my outfit.
Alice is dressing up as Tinker Bell from Peter Pan – which I think is quite fitting.
Rosalie is going as the Ice Queen from Narnia, again fitting.
Renesmee is going as Cinderella. Bella is going as Belle from Beauty and the beast.
Emily is going as a pumpkin – no im just joking. She's showing, but not enough to cut it as a pumpkin. So she's going as a semi slutty pirate, well after all she is pregnant.
And then there's me as a full on slutty Snow White.
Rosalie focused on me the most, while I was getting ready. And don't ask me how she did it but she made me look paler than I already was. My hair was full of volume – like to the max. And it even had a little red bow in it. My eyes were lightly lined but with big lashes, and I had deep red lips and my cheeks had the tiniest of blush.
And as for the costume, well it raised a few eyebrows.
It was like Snow White's with the bodice/corset, and puffy sleeves with a very short yellow skirt. And id added my own extra bits to it; I was wearing black stocking and suspenders, with red heels.
Carlisle nearly burst a blood vessel when he saw me, and Emmett's jaw hit the ground. So I knew it was good.
Alice had decorated the entire living room and kitchen and well everywhere; the drive leading to the house, the entrance room, with lights and Halloween decorations. And the lights were turned off in the house, and there was even a DJ and proper strobe disco lights – the lot! And the music was blasting. Just the way I liked it.

Number 13: The Door With The Cat Flap.
FantasyAro and Marcus saw Renesmee. but did they already have children of their own? they hoped for sons, but got daughters, and gave them up for care. after 18 years of trouble and neglect, Aro asks Carlisle and Esme to take care of them.